NX-30052ADJUSTMENT■ Necessary Deviation adjustment item for each signaling and modeThe following shows the necessary adjustment items for each signaling deviation. Please read the following table like the following example. In thecase of the signaling “QT (Wide)”, this signaling is composed of three elements [Balance, Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide) and QT Deviation (Wide)].Please adjust Balance and Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide) before adjusting QT Deviation (Wide).Mode Signaling Necessary adjustment and orderWide Narrow Very NarrowAnalogAudio Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Narrow) -QTStep1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide)Step3. QT Deviation (Wide)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Narrow)Step3. QT Deviation (Narrow)-DQTStep1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide)Step3. DQT Deviation (Wide)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Narrow)Step3. DQT Deviation (Narrow)-LTRStep1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide)Step3. LTR Deviation (Wide)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Narrow)Step3. LTR Deviation (Narrow)-DTMFStep1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide)Step3. DTMF Deviation (Wide)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Narrow)Step3. DTMF Deviation (Narrow)-2TONEStep1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide)Step3. Single Tone Deviation (AnalogWide)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Narrow)Step3. Single Tone Deviation (Analog Narrow)-MSK(FleetSync)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Wide)Step3. MSK Deviation (Analog Wide)Step1. Balance adjustStep2. Maximum Deviation (Analog Narrow)Step3. MSK Deviation (Analog Narrow)-ItemCondition Measurement Adjustment Specifi cations /RemarksPanel tuning mode PC test mode Test-equipment Unit Terminal Unit Parts Method15. BATTdetectionwriting1) Adj item: [BATT]Adjust: [✳✳✳]PTT: ON1) Adj item:[BatteryWarning Level]PTT: Press[Transmit] button.PowermeterDVMPanel ANTBATTterminalPress the PTTswitch or [Transmit]button on the PCwindow.Apply 6.20V to bat-tery terminal.Confirm that onepre-determined nu-meric in the range 1to 256 appears.[Panel tuning mode]Press [ ] key tostore the adjust-ment value.[PC test mode]Press [Apply] but-ton to store theadjustment value.16. BATTdetectioncheck[Panel test mode]1) CH-Sig: 1-1BATT terminalvoltage: 6.0V whiletransmitting1) Test ChannelChannel: 1Test SignalingMode: AnalogSignaling: 1BATT terminalvoltage: 6.0V whiletransmittingCheck The transceivercan transmit withcausing the LED toblink.