(No.RA015)1-1135.4 Replacing Main UnitMain unit informationMethod of confirming “Original Main unit” and “ServiceMain unit”Note:• The 0Ω resistor (R1, R2, R3) is used to differentiate thedestination with a visual check. These are not connectedwith any PCB pattern; they are specifically for productioncontrol. There is no need to change the mount of these re-sistors.• There is no difference between the schematic diagram ofthe Service Main unit (XC1-0341-82/XC1-0341-83/XC1-0370-12/XC1-0370-13) and the schematic diagram of theoriginal Main unit (XC1-0341-80/XC1-0341-81/XC1-0370-10/XC1-0370-11). (R1, R2 and R3 are connected withGND (ground) only.)Supplied Accessories of “Service Main unit””Service Main unit” DataThe following data is written on the service unit:After Changing the PCB(1) After changing the printed circuit board, write the up-to-date Firmware following the instructions in the “2.2 RE-ALIGNMENT - 2.2.6 Firmware Programming Mode”.• Write the Firmware in accordance to the Market. If youwrite different Market Firmware, there are times com-munication with the FPU is not possible.(2) Using the KPG-D1/D1N, select your desired item (ModelName and Frequency) from the Model> Product Infor-mation menu, then use Program> Write Data to theTransceiver to write the FPU data (PC Programmingmode). When writing to the transceiver, a Warning Mes-sage, corresponding to the item selected, appears. Click[OK] to continue writing the data.(3) Enter Program> Test Mode, then adjust the various ad-justment data (PC Test Mode) as described in the "SEC-TION 4 ADJUSTMENT".(4) Attach the new labels corresponding to the new printedcircuit board. (Refer to the images below for label place-ment.)(5) If necessary, write the FPU data used by the customerwith the KPG-D1/D1N.Note:• When using the ESN Validation function of NXDN Trunk-ing, the NXDN ESN number changes when the circuitboard is changed (the number is written on the circuitboard); the NXDN Trunking System cannot be accessed.Use the KPG-110SM on the NXDN Trunking System sideto reprogram the NXDN ESN number.• When a new printed circuit board is used, the KENWOODESN changes, as does the Transceiver Information dis-play of the KPG-D1/D1N, but this does not have any effecton the operation of the transceiver.• If changing to the original ESN, please contact our servicecenter.• KPG-D1N can't be used for E, E2 types.Model Name Original Main unitNumberFor Service Mainunit NumberNX-5300(F2,F3,K2,K3)XC1-0341-80XC1-0370-10XC1-0341-82XC1-0370-12NX-5300(F5,F6,K5,K6,E.E2)XC1-0341-81XC1-0370-11XC1-0341-83XC1-0370-13Item (Including Parts Number) QuantityMain Unit (XC1-034, XC1-037) 1KENWOOD ESN/ NXDN ESN/ ProductNumber/ MPT ESN/P25 ESN Label1Data Type DescriptionFirmware NX-5300 Firmware.FPU Data(PC programming mode)XC1-034/XC1-037 (NX-5300) F2, F5,E2 type data.Various Adjustment Data(PC Test mode)General adjustment values for theXC1-034/XC1-037(NX-5300).R1 SRVR2 LCDR3R4XC1-034XC1-037Component sideThe 0 resistor (R1) is mountedon the "R1" silk print part of theService Main unit (XC1-0341-82/XC1-0341-83/XC1-0370-12/XC1-0370-13).XC1-0370-100-110-120-13000000XC1-034 R11-80 (None)R2(None)(None)R3(None)(None)1-811-821-83(None)KENWOOD ESN Model name: [XC1-034/XC1-037]NX-5300S1 (F2, K2:450~520MHz) orNX-5300S2 (F5, K5:380~470MHz,E2:400~470MHz)Type: F2, F5, K2, K5, E2The same number as the KENWOODESN label is written.NXDN ESN/ MPT ESN/Product number/P25 ESNThe same number as the NXDN ESN/MPT ESN/Product Number/P25 ESNlabel is written.Data Type Description