1-6 (No.RA015)2.2 REALIGNMENT2.2.1 Modes*1:In order to use the Front panel programming mode, it is nec-essary to purchase the "Front panel program" feature option.2.2.2 How to Enter Each Mode*2 There is the two or three as how to enter.2.2.3 Panel Test ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.2.2.4 Panel Tuning ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.2.2.5 PC Mode2.2.5.1 PrefaceThe transceiver is programmed by using a personal computer,programming interface (KPG-36U/36X) and FPU (programmingsoftware).The programming software can be used with a PC. Figure 1shows the setup of a PC for programming.Fig.1Mode FunctionUser mode For normal use.Panel test mode Used by the dealer to check the fundamen-tal characteristics.Panel tuning mode Used by the dealer to tune the transceiver.PC mode Used for communication between thetransceiver and PC.Data programmingmodeUsed to read and write frequency data andother features to and from the transceiver.PC test mode Used to check the transceiver using thePC. This feature is included in the FPU.Firmware program-ming modeUsed when changing the main program ofthe flash memory.Clone mode Used to transfer programming data fromone transceiver to another.Front panel pro-gramming modeFrequency, signaling and features write tothe transceiver.Transceiver infor-mation modeUsed to confirm the transcerver firmwareversion, SCM firmware version and SCMHardware version.Mode OperationUser mode Power ONPanel test mode*2 • [ ] + Power ON• [ ] + Power ONSelect the “Panel Test” using the [] /[] key.Press the [ ] key.PC mode Received commands from PCPanel tuning mode [Panel test mode] + [ ]User modeData programming modePC tuning modeTransceiver information modePC modePanel tuning modePanel test modeFirmware programming modeClone modeFront panel programming mode*1PC test modeFirmware programmingmode*2• [AUX (Orange)] + Power ON• [ ] + Power ONSelect the “Firmware Prog” using the[] / [] key.Press the [ ] key.• If Write is performed by KFL, Firm-ware programming mode will startautomatically.Clone mode*2 • [ ] + Power ON• [ ] + Power ONSelect the “Clone” using the [] / []key.Press the [ ] key.Front panel program-ming mode*2• Press the PF key to which Front pan-el programming mode is set duringthe user mode.• Press the [ ] key and enter theMenu mode.Select the any icon assigned the Frontpanel programming mode using the[] / [] key.Press [ ] key.Select the “Panel Program” using the[] / [] key.Press the [ ] key.Transceiverinformation mode*2• [Side 3] + Power ON• [ ] + Power ONSelect the “Transceiver Info” using the[] / [] key.Press the [ ] key.Mode OperationPCFPUKPG-36U/36XTransceiverPCKPG-36U/36XUSB