(No.RA015)1-474.9 Transmitter Section4.Frequency*The Frequen-cy adjust-ment can beperformedonly in PCtest mode.1) Adj item:[Frequency]SSG output:-20dBm (22.4mV)(CW (without mod-ulation))Caution:Perform the fre-quency adjustmentunder the followingconditions.• Temperature rangeof +20°C to +33°C(+68.0°F to+91.4°F).(The temperature isdisplayed on theFrequency adjust-ment screen of theKPG-D1/D1N andthe LCD of thetransceiver.)• Use an accuracy of0.001ppm for theSSG. (Use a stan-dard oscillator ifnecessary.)SSG Panel ANT Panel [Paneltuningmode][],[][PCtestmode][←],[→][PC test mode]Press [Start] button of"Auto Tuning".Press [Apply] button tostore the adjustmentvalue after the automaticadjustment hasfinished.[PC test mode]“IF20” value = With-in 0±20 digits. Thevalue of “IF20” willbecome around “0”after the adjustmenthas finished.Remark:“Frequency” isadjusted underreceiving conditionwith SSG.5.RTCCorre-citon1) Adj item:[RTC]Adjust:[****]Press [ ] keyto store the ad-justment val-ue.1) Adj item:[RTC Correction]Data: {****]Press [Apply] buttonto store the adjust-ment value.Fre-quencyCounterPanel TESTPOINT(CN709orCN710)[Paneltuningmode][], [][PC testmode][←], [→][Panel tuning mode]Press [ ] key to storethe adjustment value.[PC test mode]Press [Apply] button tostore the adjustmentvalue.Remaks:Change the adjust-ment value so thatthe frequency cur-rently displayed on“Crystal OscillationFrequency” on thePC window and thefrequency currentlydisplayed on thefrequency counterare in agreement.Item Condition Measurement Adjustment Specifications/RemarksPanel tuningmodePC test mode Test-equip-mentUnit Ter-minalUnit Parts MethodItem Condition Measurement Adjustment Specifica-tions/RemarksPanel tuningmodePC test mode Test-equip-mentUnit Ter-minalUnit Parts Method1.RampupOffset1) Adj item:[RAMPU]Adjust:[****]PTT : ONPress [ ] key tostore the adjust-ment value.1) Adj item:[Ramp Up Offset]Press [Transmit]button.Press [Apply]button to store theadjustment value.PowermeterAmmeterPanel ANT Panel [Paneltuningmode][],[][PCtestmode][←],[→][PC test mode]1) Set the adjustmentvalue to “1”.2) Increase the adjust-ment value slowly whilemonitoring the offsetmonitor value.3) Set the adjustmentvalue when the offsetmonitor value exceed“50”.