1-104 (No.RA020)5.4 Replacing Main UnitMain unit InformationMethod of confirming “Original Main unit” and “ServiceMain unit”The 0Ω resistor (R1) is mounted on the “R1” silk print part ofthe Service Main unit (XC1-0381-81/XC1-0400-11).Note:• The 0Ω resistor (R1, R2, R3, R4) is used to differentiatethe destination with a visual check. These are not con-nected with any PCB pattern; they are specifically for pro-duction control. There is no need to change the mount ofthese resistors.• There is no difference between the schematic diagram ofthe Service Main unit (XC1-0381-81/XC1-0400-11) andthe schematic diagram of the original Main unit (XC1-0380-80/XC1-0400-10). (R1, R2, R3 and R4 are connect-ed with GND (ground) only.)Supplied Accessories of “Service Main unit”Service Main unit” DataThe following data is written on the service unit:After Changing the PCB(1) After changing the printed circuit board, write the up-to-date Firmware following the instructions in the “2.2 RE-ALIGNMENT - 2.2.6 Firmware Programming Mode”.• Write the Firmware in accordance to the Market. If youwrite different Market Firmware, there are times com-munication with the FPU is not possible.(2) Using the KPG-D1/D1N, select your desired item (ModelName and Frequency) from the Model> Product Infor-mation menu, then use Program> Write Data to theTransceiver to write the FPU data (PC Programmingmode). When writing to the transceiver, a Warning Mes-sage, corresponding to the item selected, appears. Click[OK] to continue writing the data.(3) Enter Program> Test Mode, then adjust the various ad-justment data (PC Test Mode) as described in the “SEC-TION 4 ADJUSTMENT”.(4) Attach the new labels corresponding to the new printedcircuit board. (Refer to the images below for label place-ment.)(5) If necessary, write the FPU data used by the customerwith the KPG-D1/D1N.Model Name Original Mainunit NumberFor Service Mainunit NumberNX-5700 (F,K) XC1-0381-80 XC1-0381-81NX-5700 (K,E) XC1-0400-10 XC1-0400-11XC1-038 XC1-040 R1 R2 R3 R41-80 0-10 (None) 0Ω 0Ω (None)1-81 0-11 0Ω 0Ω 0Ω (None)Item (Including Parts Number) QuantityMain Unit (XC1-038, XC1-040) 1KENWOOD ESN/ NXDN ESN/ Product Number/MPT ESN/ P25 ESN Label1RTCR3R2R1R4XC1-038/XC1-040 A/2Component sideData Type DesctiptionFirmware NX-5700 Firmware.FPU Data(PC programming mode)XC1-038, XC1-040 (NX-5700) F, Edata.Various Adjustment Data(PC Test mode)General adjustment values for theXC1-038, XC1-040 (NX-5700).KENWOOD ESN Model name:[XC1-038, XC1-040] NX-5700SType: F,K (XC1-038), K,E (XC1-040)The same number as the KENWOODESN label is written.NXDN ESN/MPT ESN/Product number/P25 ESNThe same number as the NXDN ESN/MPT ESN/Product Number/P25 ESNlabel is written.