NXR-700H111. Remove the connector with jumper from the externalspeaker connector on the rear panel of the radio. (Fig. 2-1)Note: Save the jumper, which is required when the radiois used without the external speaker.2. Remove the terminals with the jumper from the connec-tor housing holes number 9 and 12 using the extractingtool.Removing the jumper lead (Fig. 2-2)1) Insert the extracting tool (11-03-0002) into the connec-tor while pushing the jumper lead in the direction of (a).2) Push the extracting tool into collapse the barbs of thecrimp terminal.3) Pull out the lead while continuing to push the extract-ing tool in the direction (b).3. Reinsert the terminal with the black and white stripe leadinto hole number 12, and the terminal with the black leadinto hole number 6. (Fig. 2-3)4. Attach the connector to the external speaker connectoron the radio.Note:• Relationship between TEST/SPKR connector (15-pin) con-nection and speaker output.• When pins 9 and 12 are shorted: Built-in internal speakeris used.• When pins 9 and 12 are open and output is from pins 6and 12: KES-5 is used.Square-type plug方形插头(E31-3228-05)Accessory附件Jumper leadCrimp termialCrimp termialBarbs / 倒钩Extracting tool(11-03-0002)(a)(b)压接式端子压接式端子跨接线拔除工具Crimp terminal(E23-0613-05)121513136Black/White leadBlack lead / 黑导线压接式端子黑白条纹导线Fig. 2-2 / 图 2-2Fig. 2-3 / 图 2-3Fig. 2-1 / 图 2-1INSTALLATION / 安装1. 从中继台后面板的外部扬声器连接器上拆下带跳线的连接器。( 图 2-1)注意 :请保留跳线,在没有外部扬声器的情况下使用中继台时需使用该跳线。2. 用拔除工具从连接器壳的第 9 和 12 孔中拆下带跳线的端子。拆下跨接线 ( 图 2-2)1) 沿 ( a ) 的方向推动拔除工具的同时,将拔除工具 (11-03-0002) 插入连接器。2) 推入拔除工具,折起压接式端子的倒钩。3) 继续沿 (b) 的方向推动拔除工具的同时,拔出导线。3. 将带黑白条纹导线的端子插入第 12 孔,将带黑导线的端子插入第 6 孔。( 图 2-3)4. 将连接器安装到中继台上的外部扬声器连接器。注意 :• TEST/SPKR 连接器 (15 针 ) 连接与扬声器输出之间的关系。• 第 9 和 12 针短路时 :使用内置的内部扬声器。• 第 9 和 12 针开路并从第 6 和 12 针输出时 :使用 KES-5。