NXR-700H74-3. Programming1. Start up the programming software (Fpro.exe (ver. 4.10 orlater)).The Fpro.exe exists in the KPG-109D(C) installed folder.2. Set the communications speed (normally, 115200 bps)and communications port in the configuration item.3. Set the firmware to be updated by file name item.4. Turn the NXR-700H power on.5. Check the connection between the NXR-700H and thepersonal computer, and make sure that the NXR-700H isin the program mode.6. Press write button in the window. A window opens onthe display to indicate progress of writing.7. If writing ends successfully, the NXR-700H restarts.8. If you want to continue programming other NXR-700Hs,repeat steps 3 to 6.Note:It automatically enters the firmware program mode bythe writing request from the programming software (KPG-109D(C)).4-4. FunctionBaud rate is decided automatically with setting of pro-gramming software.Note:Normally, write in the high-speed mode (115200 bps).■ Cross-wired cableThere are a few types of null modem cable available inthe market. Make sure to use one of the following null mo-dem cables that meets the following specifications.Cable Specification: Null modem cable with full handshak-ing (cross-wired) or InterLink cable that is usually used totransfer files between PCs.Connector Specification (both cable ends): DB-9 femaleREALIGNMENT / 模式组合4-3. 编程1. 启动编程软件 (Fpro.exe(ver.4.10 或更高版本 ))。Fpro.exe 存在于 KPG-109D(C) 安装文件夹内。2. 在配置项中设置通信速度 ( 通常为 115200 b p s ) 和通信端口。3. 通过文件名项目设置要更新的固件。4. 开启 NXR-700H 的电源。5. 检查 N X R -700H 与个人电脑之间的连接,确认 N X R -700H 处于编程模式。6. 按窗口中的写入按钮。显示中将打开一个显示写入进程的窗口。7. 如果写入成功完成,NXR-700H 将重新启动。8. 若要继续为其他 NXR-700H 编程,请重复步骤 3 至 6。注意 :通过编程软件 (KPG-109D(C)) 的写入要求,它会自动进入固件编程模式。4-4. 功能波特率由编程软件的设置自动决定。注意 :通常以高速模式 (115200 bps) 写入。■交叉电缆市面上有几种零调制解调器电缆。请务必使用符合以下规格的零调制解调器电缆之一。电缆规格 :全握手的零调制解调器电缆 ( 交叉线 ) 或在 P C之间传输文件的常用互联电缆。连接器规格 ( 电缆两端 ): DB-9 母头DB-9Female / 母头2345678Shell外壳DB-9Female / 母头DB-9Female / 母头DB-9Female / 母头2345678Shell外壳Fig. 2 / 图 2