4ï Use only the specified charger and observe chargingrequirements!If the battery is charged in unspecified conditions (under hightemperature over the regulated value, excessive high voltage orcurrent over regulated value, or with a remodelled charger), it mayovercharge or an abnormal chemical reaction may occur. Thebattery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst into flame.ï Do not pierce the battery with any object, strike it with aninstrument, or step on it!This may break or deform the battery, causing a short-circuited.The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst intoflame.ï Do not jar or throw the battery!An impact may cause the battery to leak, generate heat orsmoke, rupture, and/or burst into flame. If the batteryís protectioncircuit is damaged, the battery may charge at an abnormalcurrent (or voltage), and an abnormal chemical reaction mayoccur. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burstinto flame.ï Do not use the battery pack if it is damaged in any way!The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst intoflame.ï Do not solder directly onto the battery!If the insulator is melted or the gas release vent or safety functionis damaged, the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, orburst into flame.ï Do not reverse the battery polarity (and terminals)!When charging a reversed battery, an abnormal chemicalreaction may occur. In some cases, an unexpected large amountof current may flow upon discharging. The battery may generateheat or smoke, rupture, or burst into flame.ï Do not reverse-charge or reverse-connect the battery!The battery pack has positive and negative poles. If the batterypack does not smoothly connect with a charger or operatingequipment, do not force it; check the polarity of the battery. If thebattery pack is reverse-connected to the charger, it will bereverse-charged and an abnormal chemical reaction may occur.The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst intoflame.