32STORE AND S ENDStore and send allows you to make DTMF calls without theneed for a DTMF keypad.1 Press the key programmed as Autodial.ï ì î appears on the display.2 Rotate the selector to select a digit.ï Alternatively, you can enter the digits by using the DTMFkeypad (keypad models only).3 Press the C> key to accept the entered digit and move tothe next digit.ï Press the A key to delete an incorrect character. Press andhold the A key to delete all entered characters.4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to enter the entire number.ï You can enter up to 16 digits.5 Press the PTT switch to make the call or the Side 2 key topage the selected recipient.AUTODIALAutodial allows you to store 16 names (up to 8 characters pername) and DTMF numbers (up to 16 digits per number).These operations can be performed with or without a DTMFkeypad.■ S TORING DTMF N UMBERS1 Press the key programmed as Autodial Programming.ï If programmed by your dealer, you can also press andhold the # key for 1 second.ï The first entry in the Autodial list appears on the display.2 Press the and C> keys, rotate the selector, or enteran appropriate number using the DTMF keypad(01 ~ 16) to select your desired Autodial list number.ï Press and hold the Side 1 key to toggle the displaybetween the list number and the entry name.