TK-521018CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION6-8. FPGAThe FPGA(IC13) I/O section operates at 3.3V. and the coresection operates at 2.5V. The FPGA has the following func-tion.• Demodulation (C4FM,CQPSK)• Shift register(8CH)• Level convert Buffer amplifier(5V➝3.3V)(9CH)• Generates 1.536MHz for the demodulation and CODEC.7. Power Supply CircuitThe battery voltage (+B) is provided from the batteryterminal on the TX-RX unit (X57 A/5).The battery voltage passes through a 3A fuse (F401) andgoes to the VDD terminal of the DC/DC converter (IC805).The +B voltage is detected by the voltage detection IC(IC804). If the voltage is 5.6 V or higher, the IC805 CE pinbecomes high and the DC/DC converter begins.The IC805 output voltage (3.6V) becomes a power supplyfor five regulators (IC801, IC802, IC803, IC806, IC807).The output from IC805 controls the CE pin of IC801,IC802, IC803, IC806, IC807 by turning the VOL SW ON/OFF.The CPU, DSP and FPGA start with the above fiveregulators. After the CPU starts, two regulators (IC401,IC402) begin operating with the PWR and 5CC signals outputfrom the CPU.When the Power SW (Q415) is turned ON by the PWRsignal, the 15V DC/DC converter (IC808) is activated. IC807,IC402, IC401 VDD is provided by +B.The output from IC401 is switched to 5R that is turned ONin receive mode and 5T that is turned ON in transmit modevia CPU control. Output from IC807 includes two voltages:5M that is always 5 V and 5MCS that is turned ON when anoption is installed on the universal connector.Fig. 118. Signaling Circuit8-1. Encode (QT/DQT/DTMF/MSK)Each signaling data signal of QT, DQT, DTMF and MSK isgenerated by the DSP circuit, superposed on a modulationsignal and output from pin 16 of the CODEC (IC406).The modulation balance of the QT/DQT signal is adjustedby the D/A converter(IC411) and the resulting signal is routedto the modulation input of the VCO and VCXO (X301).The each deviation of the TX QT, DQT, DTMF and MSKtone is adjusted by changing the output level of the CODECand the resulting signal is routed to VCO and VCXO. The RXDTMF tone is output from pin 15 of the CODEC, passesthrough the receive audio signal system, and is output fromthe speaker.8-2. Decode (QT/DQT/DTMF/2-tone/MSK)The audio signal is removed from the FM detection signalsent to the DSP circuit and the resulting signal is decoded.9. Compander CircuitThe term “compander” means compressor and expander.The compander reduces noise by utilizing a compressor andan expander.The TK-5210 contains DSP(IC8) to perform this operation.The TK-5210 compander can be turned on or off using theFPU.CPU, FlashROM,EEPROM, VCXO,FPGA (I/O)DSP (I/O)DSP CoreFPGA CoreLCDVCODrive, Final AMPDC/DC, AVR3.6VIC805DC/DCIC804Detect+B3A FuseBatt5M5MCS5R5T33M33A15D2.5D+B15V5C5CCCECE5RC5TCCE5MCCECECECECECECECECES36MPWRPWRQ415PowerSWSBIC5CPUVOLSWPWR+BIC801AVR ICQ4025R SWQ4015T SWQ4025R SWIC802AVR ICIC803AVR ICIC806AVR ICIC402AVR ICIC401AVR ICIC807AVR ICIC808RTC28MIC606DC/DCAVR IC