TK-521078Mode : WideQ202 IC202 MCF Q204 IC204IC102&103C158&159 C204 C230 C246 C250 C26112dB SINAD (dBm) -122.9 -123.6 -124.3 -115.8 -113.0 -118.1 -112.0FM-ICReceiver SectionRF (Center Frequency) IF1 (49.95MHz)CF202Mode : Wide IC204 CF201 IC204 IC203 IC205 IC204C241 C257 C292 C293IC206 IC207CF204184 163 104 74.6(mVrms)CF203FM-IC FM-IC FM-ICIF2 (450kHz)Internal SPIC601IC604IC409IC204 IC406 IC409 IC411 IC603IC408 IC408External SPIC602IC604Wide(mVrms) 143 210 88.5 340 333 83.5 83.1 530 527 2000 -Narrow(mVrms) 157 229 97.5 371 364 83.7 83.1 533 530 2000 -Wide(mVrms) - 696 693 2700 2000Narrow(mVrms) - -- -- -- -- -- -- 685 682 2700 2000InternalExternalFM-IC CODEC DACAF (1kHz)D101T/R SWQ103Drive Amp Q105Final AmpD106,D107ANT_SWLPFQ101Pre PreDrive AmpQ102PreDrive Amp 3dBAttenuatorIC102,IC103SPDTCN101CN102Q313 IC304Pre ScalerVCOQ314-2dBm -10dBm 0dBm 8dBm 17.5dBm 14.5dBm 38.0dBm 37.5dBm36.4dBm37.0dBmRF (Center Frequency)RF (Center Frequency x2)Transmitter SectionIC603 IC405 IC405InternalMIC Q410 Q407Internal (mVrms) 15.0 15.1 14.3 13.0ExternalMICExternal (mVrms) 15.0 13.8 96.9 83.6 49.4CODECAF (1kHz)IC406 IC407 IC409 IC411Wide (mVrms) 174.6Narrow (mVrms) 86.7 IC412Wide (mVrms) 183.8 362.5Narrow (mVrms) 91.4 182.5588VCOTCXO269.5 1030 DACLEVEL DIAGRAMTo make measurements in the AF section, connect the AC level meter. (ANT input: -47dBm, 1kHz FM, 3kHz DEV (Wide), 1.5kHz DEV (Narrow))In the RF section, use 1000pF coupling capacitor.(The display shows the SSG input value required to obtain 12dB SINAD without local level.)Wide: AG is set to the MIC input becomes 3kHz DEV at 1kHz MOD.Narrow: AG is set to the MIC input becomes 1.5kHz DEV at 1kHz MOD.To make measurements in the AF section, connect the AC level meter.In the RF section,use 1000pF coupling capacitor.