TK-521044BER (Bit Error Rate) Measurement1. The Panel Test Mode is used to measure the BER (Referto "Test mode operation features" described on page 40.).2. Select ”20” for test signaling (Refer to "Test Signaling"described on page 41.).When "20" is selected for the test signaling, the filter isautomatically selected to "APCO".(If there is no RF input signal, the display shows”500000”)3. Select a filter (Refer to "Filter Mode" described on page40.).4. Select a test frequency (Refer to "Test Frequency" de-scribed on page 41.).C4FM (APCO) Deviation Adjustment1. The TK-5210 adjusts the deviation between High Devia-tion ±1800Hz for the C4FM (APCO).2. The Symbol Rate Pattern is used when adjusting the HighDeviation for the C4FM (APCO) (Refer to "Test Signaling"described on page 41.). This test signal has a peak devia-tion equal to π/2 1800Hz = 2827Hz.Service Jig■ Nut wrenchIn order to turn the volume nut and the channel selectornut, use a recommendation tool.KENWOOD part : W05-1123-005. Measure the BER (Bit Error Rate) using the digital radiotester. Enter a standard input signal into the transceiver asa standard tone test pattern.6. Adjust the input signal level to achieve the standard biterror rate (BER).(For example, if the BER is 5%, the display shows”050000”.)ADJUSTMENTAdjustment PointsL201L202L204L205 SRX BPF+EMANDTX-RX UNIT (A/5) : TX-RX sectionComponent sideS2nd Lo+TX-RX UNIT (A/5) : TX-RX sectionFoil sideBPF GNDRX BPFCV