NAMINGMEMORYCHANNELS7RepeatSteps 5 and6toenterupto6digits.e When you enter less than 6 digits, press [MHz], [F],Youcannamememorychannelsusingupto6characters [TONE],[REV],ormicrophone[PTT]tocompleteand 5 dots. When you recall a named memory channel, its:‘entry.nameappearsonthe display insteadofthestored4eesfrequency.Namescan becallsigns,repeaternames,*Tore-enter theprecedingdigit,press [VFO].cities,persons’names,etc.¢Adotcannotbe enteredafterthesixthdigit.After storing a name, pressing [MN] toggles between@StoringaNameinMemorynamedisplayand frequencydispiayforthememory1 Press [MR] to select Memory Recall. channel.2 Turn the Tuning control, or press microphone Note:[UP]/[DWN], to select the desired memory channel. @ =/f you do not enter the next digit within 10 seconds, the digitsalready entered are stored and the eniry cursor is cleared.Switch OFF the power to the transceiver. @ Names can be assigned only to memory channels in which youhave stored frequencies and related data.Press [MN]+ POWER ON. * The stored names can be overwniten by repeating Steps 1 ~ 7.* The first digit blinks. * The stored names also are erased by clearing memory channels{page 26}.tfi 3 sr 9 “OVERMHz TONE REV5 Turn the Tuning control, or press microphone[UP][DWN], to select the first digit.¢ To enter a dot after the first digit, press [MR]. Pressing[MR] again clears the dot.6 Press [MN].¢ The second digit blinks.30