71CONNECTING TO A TNC (E M ARKET M ODELS O NLY )To connect an external TNC to the transceiver, use anoptional PG-5A cable. The DATA connector on the rearof the transceiver mates with the 6-pin mini-DIN plug onthis cable..oNniP emaNniP noitcnuF1 DKP tupniatadtekcaP• reviecsnartotCNTmorfatadXT2 DNG DKProfdnuorG3 SKPybdnatstekcaP• ehttibihniotnipsihtesunacCNTtupnienohporcimreviecsnart.slangistekcapgnittimsnartelihw4 9RPspb0069detcetedfotuptuOVm005(atad P-P k01, )• nipnommocasasnoitcnufoslAatadspb0069dnaspb0021rof.tuptuo5 1RP spb0021detcetedfotuptuOVm005(atad P-P k01, )6 CQStuptuolortnochcleuqS• gnittimsnartatadCNTstibihnI.neposihcleuqsreviecsnartelihw• eciovotecnerefretnistneverPemasehtnosnoitacinummoc.seirterstneverposlA.ycneuqerf• leveLtuptuO)hgiH(V5+:hcleuqsnepO)woL(V0:hcleuqsdesolCNote:◆ If the external TNC has a common pin for 1200 bps and 9600 bpsdata output, connect this pin to the DATA connector PR9 pin.Shorting the PR9 and PR1 pins will cause the TNC to malfunction.◆ Adjust the transceiver data communication speed (1200 bps or9600 bps) as necessary {page 58}.◆ If DC voltage is input to the PR1 pin, the external TNC may notfunction. If this problem happens, add a 10 μF capacitor betweenthe PR1 pin and the TNC. Be careful with the polarity of thecapacitor.GND