21PREPARATION2 Position the transceiver, then insert and tightenthe supplied hexagon SEMS screws (4) and flatwashers (4).• Double check that all hardware is tightened to preventvehicle vibration from loosening the bracket ortransceiver.• Determine the appropriate angle of the transceiver,using the 3 screw hole positions on the side of themounting bracket.MOBILE INSTALLATIONTo install the transceiver, select a safe, convenientlocation inside your vehicle that minimizes danger toyour passengers and yourself while the vehicle is inmotion. Consider installing the unit at an appropriateposition so that knees or legs will not strike it duringsudden braking of your vehicle. Try to pick a wellventilated location that is shielded from direct sunlight.1 Install the mounting bracket in the vehicle using thesupplied self-tapping screws (4), flat washers (4), andspring washers (4).• The bracket must be installed so that the 3 screw holepositions on the side of the mounting bracket aretowards the rear of the bracket.Self-tapping screw(5 mm x 16 mm)Flat washerSEMSscrewSpring washer