236PROGRAMMING AN OFFSETYou must first select an amateur radio repeater downlinkfrequency as described in “S ELECTING AN O FFSETF REQUENCY ”.SELECTING AN OFFSET DIRECTIONSelect whether the transmit frequency will be higher (+)or lower (–) than the receive frequency.1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control toselect Menu No. 5 (SFT).2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select“+” or “–”.3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key tocancel.4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.• “+” or “–” appears above the frequency, indicating whichoffset direction is selected.If the offset transmit frequency falls outside the allowablerange, transmission is inhibited. In this case, adjust thereception frequency so that the transmit frequency iswithin the band limits or change the offset direction.Note: While using an odd-split memory channel or transmitting, youcannot change the offset direction.SELECTING AN OFFSET FREQUENCYTo access a repeater which requires an odd-splitfrequency pair, change the offset frequency from thedefault which is used by most repeaters. The defaultoffset frequency is 600 kHz.1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control toselect Menu No. 10 (OFFSET).2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to selectthe appropriate offset frequency.• The selectable range is from 0.00 MHz to 69.95 MHz insteps of 50 kHz.3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key tocancel.4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.Note: After changing the offset frequency, the new offset frequencywill also be used by Automatic Repeater Offset.