The TS-711A/E employs a method of displaying and en-tering the call sign 3 digits at a time, using decimal ASCIIcodes. First encode the callsign into ASCII using the tableon page 17.O After the call sign has been entered, it will not benecessary to reenter it as long as you operate theTS-711A/B. (However, if the reset switch is depressed,or the lithium battery were to fail reprogramming maybe necessary.)ABcDEFGH4al/a|/a/O/v7/O}/Z2/S/r|x~olaolniloalal/alwlnrnEntry example: WD6DJY1. With FM mode selected, set the CS switch to ON.Then, the display is:en" aGrad LE asBy Da a)2. Set the C. AL switch to ON. Then, the display showsas follows:r Te fired C0 a. otCott a hed Has tiC-: Waits for setting 3 letters from the beginningof the call sign, i.e, W, D and 6. To enter thissetting, press keys 8, 7, 6, 8, 5 and 4 in thatorder.3. Then, the display will show the following:| r re ae aseS Woe weC=; Indicates the radio is waiting for you to enterthe last 3 digits. From the example enter 6, 8,7,4, 8, 9. After the last digit has been entereda long beep will sound and the display will re-turn to:re Lt AEDEo oui4. Press the C. AL switch twice to verify the data entry.WDE6DJY call sign entry is now complete. Now, pressthe CS switch and the display is restored to the digitalcode display. Press it again and the display is restoredto the normal frequency display.@ Digital code entryDigital code: Any 5 digit numberThis tranceiver has 10 (CO ~ CQ) digital code memor-ies. Multiple digital codes can be monitored. However,only one digital code is transmitted at a time.Entry examples: COc51. With FM mode selected set the CS switch to ON.Then, the display will show:The CO denotes channel number.2. Press keys 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in that order and a singlebeep will sound, to confirm completion of data entry.The display will show:r a aCéad Peeh Felow.Press keys 5, 5, 6, 6 and 7 in that order. A single beepwill sound and the display will show the following:jar4. Data entry for digital code memory CO and C5 is nowcomplete. Entry of other channels can be done in thesame manner.cetaar5 a] unwo a@ Digital code usage1. With a code displayed, rotate the Main dial control todisplay the required code (for transmission).2. Press the D. SQ switch to place the standby indicatoras shown below.17