|CS 0.SQ C.ALAAG DigitolCodeSquel¢hocse [AL] Used to activate alert circuit to monitor me-mory channel 1 (M.CH 1). Turning theswitch ON lights the AL indicator. Pressthe switch again to turn the alert circuitOFF.e (CHS) (Channel Select abbreviated)Allows selection of the desired memorychannel while in the VFO mode. Storingmemory data (pressing M.IN will release theCH.S function. In M.CH operation selectsthe memory channels to be locked out dur-ing memory scan. Pressing CH.S will causea decimal point to appear to the RIGHT ofthe CH¥ indicator, as a visual indication ofLOCK OUT.In AL operation — Setting the CH.S to ON,the memory channel reverts to that of M.CHUs@ [1}-[0] Turning ON the CS switch sets the keys tofunction as (1 - 0).DCS (Digital Code Squelch)Note: The DCS functions only in FM mode.@ DCS switch: Used to activate the DCS system. TheDCS indicator lights when the switch is ON.@ D.SO switch: Used to select digital code squelch ON/OFF status, or watch/nonwatch status ofdigital code channel.@® CS switch OFF - The DCS indicator lights to showthe DCS watch mode. When the proper DCS signalis received, the squelch opens and the D.SQ indica-tor goes off.@® CS switch ON - Used to select the digital code chan-nel watch status (dot on bottom right).@ CAL: Turns the code alert ON and OFF. With thisswitch set to ON, the indicator lights.@ ON - When the digital code squelch is opened, a tri-ple beep will sound continuously, until reset.@ OFF - When the digital code squelch is opened, tri-ple beep will sound one time.@CSswitchON-WhenC-isdisplayed,the1st3charactersofthecallsignareentered.WhenC=isdisplayed,thelast3lettersofthecallsignare en-tered.Call sign example: WD6DJYC-: WD6, C=: DJY@ CS switch: Code switch. Used when setting digitalcodes, switching digital code channels, orentering a call sign. When the CS switch isON, digital codes are entered using the 1 -0 keys. Digital codes CO - C9 may be se-lected by the main dial with the CS switchON.