AFTER UNPACKING@ Shipping container:Save the boxes and packing in the event your unitneeds to be transported for remote operation, mainte-nance, or service.@ The following explicit definitions apply in this manual:Note: If disregarded, inconvenience only, no riskof equipment damage or personal injury.Caution: Equipment damage may occur, but not per-sonal injury.ACCESSORIES (SUPPLIED)citIe234.5arefullyunpackyourTS-711A/TS-711Eandcheckthatissuppliedwiththefollowing accessories:Standbyplug(E12-0401-15)...23)LPG;-13pinDINplug(E07-1351-05)..-1pe..Wireharnesskit(E31-3064-00)(forVS-1)-pe.Instructionmanual(B50-4148-30),EuropeandOseaniaarenotequippedwiththisfuse..Warrantycard.Microphone (T91-0331-05).*For theTS-711EonlyFEATURES. DCS = Digital Code SquelchDCS uses digital code information to open squelch ona receiver that has been programmed to accept thespecific code being transmitted. The system recog-nizes 100,000 different 5 digit code signals, making itpossible for each station to have its own “private call”code, as well as to have “group call” or “common call’code. DCS is also effective in suppressing unwantedsignals..COMPACTDESIGN144MHzALLMODETRANS-CEIVERcapableofACorDCoperation.. HIGH STABILITYDual 10 Hz step digital VFO design, incorporating asingle Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillatorfor the ultimate in stability.. HIGHLY VISIBLE FLUORESCENT TUBE DISPLAY.. 40 CHANNEL MEMORYFrequency, mode, dial data, TX offset and sub-tonedata can be memorized.. AUTO MODE SELECTIONAutomatically selects the proper mode for the bandsegment selected.. MANUAL MODE SELECTIONSimple pushbutton switching. The first letter of eachmode is announced in Morse Code thru the built inspeaker.. MULTIFUNCTION MAIN TUNING DIALEasily selected continuous tuning or channelized,click-stop, type tuning is controlled by the CH.Qswitch. When in Mch mode, the main dial automati-cally selects click type tuning.11119. RIT CONTROL+/— 9.99 kHz in 10 Hz steps is possible.0.MICROPORCESSORCONTROLLEDFUNCTIONSSCAN:Programmablebandscan,memoryscan.AL: Priority Alert (M CH 1)M>V Memory to VFOSPLIT:SplitFrequencyOperation(RXA-TXBorRXB-TXA)A=B: For equalizing VFOA and BCH.SInVFOmode,allowsmaindialtoselectmemorychannel.Inmemoryscanmode,specifieschannelstobe skipped.REV &LOCK:Locksdialmode;reversessplitmemorychannels.1, MANUAL FUNCTIONS@ All mode squelch@ All mode RF Power control@ IF shift@Speechprocessor:AF speech processorforSSBandFM@ RFATTN:Providesapproximately 20 dBofatten-uation@ CW Semi break-in: with adjustable delay2. SELECTED OPTIONSVoice SynthesizerTU-5 (TS-711A)...SubAudibleTone Encoder3. PERSONAL COMPUTER INTERFACEUse of the optional interface will allow simple “basic”language programming of major functions.