Appendix C – Exporting Punches to a USB Drive • 35Appendix C -Exporting Punchesto a USB DriveThe USB Functions menu allows you to export punch data to a USBthumb drive and then import the data into the PayClock databaseusing the PayClock software.Important Note: If you don’t have an Ethernet connection you cantransfer punch data from the terminal to the PayClock software usinga standard USB thumb drive.Export the data to USB ThumbDriveThe Poll button group is used to poll or retrieve data from a singleterminal or all terminals. When a terminal is polled punch data will beadded to the database allowing you to edit, export and report on thedata.• Press the ESC key to force the terminal to the normaltime/date screen.• Insert the USB Flash drive into the USB port on the bottomof the terminal. Administrator verification is required.• The administrator should present and position their face for afacial scan. The Functions Menu will display upon asuccessful verification.• The Functions Menu will display after administratorverification.Note: Due to compatibility issues not all USB Flash drives arecompatible and may not work with the terminal. It is notrecommended to use a USB Flash drive formatted as NTFS