Appendix D – Add Employees at the Terminal • 37Appendix D - AddEmployees at theTerminalEmployees can be added at the FaceIN terminal first and then addedin the PayClock software later. This could be useful when a newemployee starts work before having a chance to add them to thePayClock software.Important Note: The number you enter for the User No. at theFaceIN terminal has to match what is entered for the Employee PINNumber in the PayClock software. These numbers are how thesoftware identifies which punches go with which employee.You should follow these recommended steps if adding theemployees at the FaceIN terminal.1. Add and enroll the employee’s face at the FaceIN terminal.2. Have the employee punch In and Out.3. Add the employee in the PayClock software before pollingand processing payroll.Adding an Employee at the FaceINTerminal• At the FaceIN terminal press the MENU key. Administratorverification is required.• The administrator should present and position their face for afacial scan. The Functions Menu will display upon asuccessful verification.• Press 2 or select the User Management menu and pressOK.