Typical connected Home screen, United StatesTypical connected Home screen, Canada1 Home screen menu — shows options available to you whenyou are on the Home screen2 Highlighted option — press OK on the remote to select.3 TV input tiles — select an input to watch the connected device.4 Streaming channel and app tiles — select a tile to go to theindicated streaming channel or application.5 Options hint—press A on the remote for options when thissymbol is present.6 Next screen hint—press the Right arrow on the remote to seethe next screen.Typical non-connected Home screen1 Home screen menu—shows options available to you when youare on the Home screen.2 Highlighted option—press OK on the remote to select.3 TV input tiles—select an input to watch the connected device.4 Options hint—press A on the remote for options when thissymbol is present.5 Next screen hint—press the Right arrow on the remote to seethe next screen.Personalize your Home screenThere are many things you can do to personalize your Home screenand make it just right for you and your family:● Only in connected mode: Add streaming channels by using theStreaming Channels menu option to browse the Roku ChannelStore.● Only in connected mode: Change the screen theme by going toSettings > Themes to find and pick one to suit your mood.● Only in connected mode on U.S. models: Hide Featured Free orMovie Store and TV Store as explained in Configuring parentalcontrols L p. 49.● Remove a tile by highlighting it and pressing A . Then highlightRemove input or Remove channel and press OK.● Move a tile by highlighting it and pressing A . Then highlightMove input or Move channel and press OK. Use the arrows tomove the tile, and then press OK to lock it in its new location.● Rename a TV input tile by highlighting it and pressing . Thenhighlight Rename input and press OK. Highlight a new name inthe list, and then press OK to assign that name to the tile.Rather than using the predefined names and icons, you can set acustom name and icon. To do so, scroll up or down to highlightSet custom name & icon, and then press OK. Follow theinstructions on the screen to enter a name and select an icon forthe input.Note(s)● If you have renamed the inputs, you cannot use voice commands to switchinputs. Voice commands can only switch among inputs that have theiroriginal names, such as “AV,” and “HDMI 1.”20 .English