Makita UC002G Instruction Manual
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11 ENGLISH4. Wear safety glasses and hearing protection.Furtherprotectiveequipmentforhead,hands,legsandfeetisrecommended. A d e q u a t e p r o t e c -tive clothing will reduce personal injury by flyingdebrisoraccidentalcontactwiththesawchain.5. Always keep proper footing.6. When cutting a limb that is under tension bealert for spring back. W h e n t h e t e n s i o n i n t h ewood fibres is released the spring loaded limb maystriketheoperatorand/orthrowthechainsawoutofcontrol.7. Use extreme caution when cutting brush andsaplings. T h e s l e n d e r m a t e r i a l m a y c a t c h t h e s a wchain and be whipped toward you or pull you offbalance.8. Carry the chain saw by the front handle withthe chain saw switched off and away from yourbody. When transporting or storing the chainsaw always fit the guide bar cover. P r o p e rhandlingofthechainsawwillreducethelikelihoodofaccidentalcontactwiththemovingsawchain.9. Follow instructions for lubricating, chain ten-sioning and changing accessories. Im p r o p e r l ytensionedorlubricatedchainmayeitherbreakorincreasethechanceforkickback.10. Keep handles dry, clean, and free from oil andgrease. G r e a s y , o i l y h a n d l e s a r e s l i p p e r y c a u s i n glossofcontrol.11. Cut wood only. Do not use chain saw for pur-poses not intended. F o r e x a m p l e : d o n o t u s echainsawforcuttingplastic,masonryornon-woodbuildingmaterials. U s e o f t h e c h a i n s a w f o roperations different than intended could result in ahazardoussituation.12. Causes and operator prevention of kickback:Kickbackmayoccurwhenthenoseortipoftheguide bar touches an object, or when the woodclosesinandpinchesthesawchaininthecut.Tipcontactinsomecasesmaycauseasuddenreversereaction,kickingtheguidebarupandbacktowardstheoperator. P i n c h i n g t h e s a w c h a i nalongthetopoftheguidebarmaypushtheguidebarrapidlybacktowardstheoperator. Ei t h e r o fthesereactionsmaycauseyoutolosecontrolofthesawwhichcouldresultinseriouspersonalinjury. Do not rely exclusively upon the safetydevicesbuiltintoyoursaw. A s a c h a i n s a w u s e r ,youshouldtakeseveralstepstokeepyourcuttingjobs free from accident or injury.Kickbackistheresultoftoolmisuseand/orincor-rectoperatingproceduresorconditionsandcanbeavoidedbytakingproperprecautionsasgivenbelow:• Maintain a firm grip, with thumbs and fingersencirclingthechainsawhandles,withbothhandsonthesawandpositionyourbodyandarmtoallowyoutoresistkickbackforces. K i c k b a c k f o r c e s c a n b e c o n t r o l l e d b ytheoperator,ifproperprecautionsaretaken.Do n o t l e t g o o f t h e c h a i n s a w .► Fig.1•Do n o t o v e r r e a c h a n d d o n o t c u t a b o v eshoulderheight. T h i s h e l p s p r e v e n t u n i n -tendedtipcontactandenablesbettercontrolofthechainsawinunexpectedsituations.•Onlyusereplacementbarsandchainsspec-ified by the manufacturer. Incorrect replace-mentbarsandchainsmaycausechainbreakageand/orkickback.•Followthemanufacturer’ssharpeningandmaintenanceinstructionsforthesawchain.De c r e a s i n g t h e d e p t h g a u g e h e i g h t c a n l e a dtoincreasedkickback.13 . Before starting work, check that the chainsaw is in proper working order and that itscondition complies with the safety regulations.Check in particular that:•Thechainbrakeisworkingproperly;•Therun-d o w n b r a k e i s w o r k i n g p r o p e r l y ;• The bar and the sprocket cover are fittedcorrectly;•Thechainhasbeensharpenedandten-sionedinaccordancewiththeregulations.14 . Do not start the chain saw with the chain coverbeing installed on it. S t a r t i n g t h e c h a i n s a w w i t hthechaincoverbeinginstalledonitmaycausethechaincovertothrownoutforwardresultinginpersonal injury and damage to objects around theoperator.Additional Safety InstructionsOperation1. When you use the tool on muddy ground, wetslope, or slippery place, pay attention to yourfooting.2. Do not submerge the tool into a puddle.3. Do not leave the tool unattended outdoors inthe rain.Electrical and battery safety1. Avoid dangerous environment. Don't use thetool in dump or wet locations or expose it torain. W a t e r e n t e r i n g t h e t o o l w i l l i n c r e a s e t h e r i s kofelectricshock.2. Do not dispose of the battery(ies) in a fire.Thecellmayexplode. C h e c k w i t h l o c a l c o d e s f o rpossiblespecialdisposalinstructions.3. Do not open or mutilate the battery(ies).Releasedelectrolyteiscorrosiveandmaycausedamagetotheeyesorskin. It m a y b e t o x i c i fswallowed.4. Do not charge battery in rain, or in wetlocations.5. Do not charge the battery outdoors.6. Do not handle charger, including charger plug,and charger terminals with wet hands.7. Do not replace the battery in the rain.Maintenance and storage1. When storing the tool, avoid direct sunlightand rain, and store it in a place where it doesnot get hot or humid. |
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