16 ENGLISHASSEMBLYCAUTION: Always be sure that the tool isswitched off and the battery cartridge is removedbefore carrying out any work on the tool.CAUTION: Do not touch the saw chain withbare hands. Always wear gloves when handlingthe saw chain.Installing or removing saw chainCAUTION: The saw chain and the guide barare still hot just after the operation. Let them cooldown enough before carrying out any work onthe tool.CAUTION: Carry out the procedure of install-ing or removing saw chain in a clean place freefrom sawdust and the like.Installing the saw chainToinstallthesawchain,performthefollowingsteps:1. R e l e a s e t h e c h a i n b r a k e b y p u l l i n g t h e f r o n t h a n dguard.2. Loosen the chain adjusting screw, then the retain-ingnut.► Fig.10: 1. S p r o c k e t c o v e r 2. Chain adjusting screw3. R e t a i n i n g n u t3. R e m o v e t h e s p r o c k e t c o v e r .4. C h e c k t h e d i r e c t i o n o f t h e s a w c h a i n . M a t c h t h edirectionofthesawchainwiththatofthemarkonthechainsawbody.► Fig.11: 1. M a r k o n c h a i n s a w b o d y5. F i t o n e e n d o f t h e s a w c h a i n o n t h e t o p o f t h eguidebar.6. F i t t h e o t h e r e n d o f t h e s a w c h a i n a r o u n d t h esprocket,thenattachtheguidebartothechainsawbody,aligningtheholeontheguidebarwiththepinonthechainsawbody.► Fig.12: 1. S p r o c k e t 2. H o l e7. In s e r t t h e p r o t r u s i o n a n d t h e p i n o n t h e s p r o c k e tcovertothechainsawbody,andthenclosethecoversothattheboltandpinonthechainsawbodymeettheircounterpartsonthecover.► Fig.13: 1. P r o t r u s i o n 2. S p r o c k e t c o v e r 3. B o l t4. P i n8. T i g h t e n t h e r e t a i n i n g n u t t o s e c u r e t h e s p r o c k e tcover, then loosen it a bit for tension adjustment.► Fig.14: 1. R e t a i n i n g n u tAfter installing the saw chain, adjust the saw chaintension by referring to the section for adjusting sawchaintension.Removing the saw chainToremovethesawchain,performthefollowingsteps:1. R e l e a s e t h e c h a i n b r a k e b y p u l l i n g t h e f r o n t h a n dguard.2. Loosen the chain adjusting screw, then the retain-ingnut.► Fig.15: 1. Chain adjusting screw 2. R e t a i n i n g n u t3. R e m o v e t h e s p r o c k e t c o v e r t h e n r e m o v e t h e s a wchainandguidebarfromthechainsawbody.Adjusting saw chain tensionCAUTION: Do not tighten the saw chain toomuch. Ex c e s s i v e l y h i g h t e n s i o n o f s a w c h a i n m a ycausebreakageofsawchainandwearoftheguidebar.CAUTION: A chain which is too loose canjump off the bar and it may cause an injuryaccident.Thesawchainmaybecomelooseaftermanyhoursofuse. F r o m t i m e t o t i m e c h e c k t h e s a w c h a i n t e n s i o nbeforeuse.1. R e l e a s e t h e c h a i n b r a k e b y p u l l i n g t h e f r o n t h a n dguard.2. L o o s e n t h e r e t a i n i n g n u t a b i t t o l o o s e n t h esprocketcoverlightly.► Fig.16: 1. R e t a i n i n g n u t3. Lift up the guide bar tip slightly and adjust thechain tension. Turn the chain adjusting screw clockwisetotighten,turnitcounterclockwisetoloosen.For chain blade 90PX and 91PX:Tightenthesawchainuntilthelowersideofthesawchain fits in the guide bar rail as illustrated.► Fig.17: 1. G u i d e b a r 2. S a w c h a i n 3. Chain adjust-ingscrewFor chain blade 25AP:Tightenthesawchainsothatthegapbetweenthecen-terofthelowersideoftheguidebarandthesawchainbecomesapproximately1 m m t o 2 m m .4. K e e p h o l d i n g t h e g u i d e b a r l i g h t l y a n d t i g h t e n t h esprocketcover.For chain blade 90PX and 91PX:Makesurethatthesawchaindoesnotlooseatthelowerside.For chain blade 25AP:Makesurethatthegapbetweenthecenterofthelowersideoftheguidebarandthesawchainisapproximately1 m m t o 2 m m .5. T i g h t e n t h e r e t a i n i n g n u t t o s e c u r e t h e s p r o c k e tcover.► Fig.18: 1. R e t a i n i n g n u t