9 ENGLISHSaw chain type 91PXNumberofdrivelinks40 4 6 52GuidebarGuidebarlength250 m m 3 00 m m 3 50 m mCuttinglength225 m m 281 m m 3 3 7 m mPitch3/8″Gauge1.3 m mTypeSprocketnosebarSprocketNumberofteeth6Pitch3/8″Saw chain type 25APNumberofdrivelinks60GuidebarGuidebarlength250 m mCuttinglength23 9 m mPitch1/4″Gauge1.3 m mTypeCarvingbarSprocketNumberofteeth9Pitch1/4″WARNING: Use appropriate combination of the guide bar and saw chain. Otherwise personal injury mayresult.SymbolsThefollowingsshowthesymbolswhichmaybeusedfortheequipment. B e s u r e t h a t y o u u n d e r s t a n d t h e i rmeaningbeforeuse.Readinstructionmanual.Wearsafetyglasses.Wearearprotection.Wearahelmet,gogglesandearprotection.Useappropriateprotectionforfoot-l e g a n dhand-a r m .Thissawistobeusedbyproperlytrainedoperatorsonly.Do n o t e x p o s e t o m o i s t u r e .MaximumpermissiblecutlengthAlwaysusetwohandswhenoperatingthechainsaw.Bewareofchainsawkickbackandavoidcontactwithbartip.Di r e c t i o n o f c h a i n t r a v e lSaw chain oil adjustmentNi-MHLi-ionO n l y f o r EU c o u n t r i e sDu e t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f h a z a r d o u s c o m -ponentsintheequipment,wasteelectricalandelectronicequipment,accumulatorsandbatteriesmayhaveanegativeimpactontheenvironmentandhumanhealth.Do n o t d i s p o s e o f e l e c t r i c a l a n d e l e c t r o n i cappliancesorbatterieswithhouseholdwaste!In a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e Eu r o p e a n Di r e c t i v eonwasteelectricalandelectronicequip-mentandonaccumulatorsandbatteriesandwasteaccumulatorsandbatteries,aswellastheiradaptationtonationallaw,wasteelectricalequipment,batteriesandaccumulatorsshouldbestoredseparatelyanddeliveredtoaseparatecollectionpointformunicipalwaste,operatinginaccor-dancewiththeregulationsonenvironmen-talprotection.Thisisindicatedbythesymbolofthecrossed-o u t w h e e l e d b i n p l a c e d o n t h eequipment.GuaranteedsoundpowerlevelaccordingtoEU O u t d o o r N o i s e Di r e c t i v e .SoundpowerlevelaccordingtoAustraliaNSWNoiseControlRegulation.Intended useThetoolisintendedforcuttingbranchesandpruningtrees. It i s a l s o s u i t a b l e f o r t r e e s e r v i c e .