Makita UC002G Instruction Manual
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18 ENGLISHSharpening criteria:WARNING: An excessive distance betweenthe cutting edge and depth gauge increases therisk of kickback.► Fig.28: 1. C u t t e r l e n g t h 2. Di s t a n c e b e t w e e n c u t t i n gedgeanddepthgauge3. M i n i m u m c u t t e rlength(3mm)— All cutter length must be equal. Different cutterlengthspreventthesawchainfromrunningsmoothlyandmaycausethesawchaintobreak.—Do n o t s h a r p e n t h e c h a i n w h e n t h e c u t t e r l e n g t hhasreached3mmorshorter. T h e c h a i n m u s t b ereplacedwithnewone.—Thechipthicknessisdeterminedbythedistancebetweenthedepthgauge(roundnose)andthecuttingedge.—Thebestcuttingresultsareobtainedwithfollowingdistancebetweencuttingedgeanddepthgauge.•Chainblade90P X : 0.65 m m•Chainblade91P X : 0.65 m m•Chainblade25A P : 0.65 m m► Fig.29—Thesharpeningangleof30° m u s t b e t h e s a m e o nall cutters. Different cutter angles cause the chaintorunroughlyandunevenly,acceleratewear,andleadtochainbreaks.— Use a suitable round file so that the proper sharp-eningangleiskeptagainsttheteeth.•Chainblade90P X : 55°•Chainblade91P X : 55°•Chainblade25A P : 55°File and file guiding— Use a special round file (optional accessory) forsawchainstosharpenthechain. N o r m a l r o u n dfiles are not suitable.— Diameter of the round file for each saw chain is asfollows:•Chainblade90P X : 4 .5 m m•Chainblade91P X : 4 .0 m m•Chainblade25A P : 4 .0 m m—The file should only engage the cutter on the forwardstroke. Lift the file off the cutter on the return stroke.— Sharpen the shortest cutter first. Then the lengthofthisshortestcutterbecomesthestandardforallothercuttersonthesawchain.— Guide the file as shown in the figure.► Fig.30: 1. F i l e 2. S a w c h a i n— The file can be guided more easily if a file holder(optional accessory) is employed. The file holderhasmarkingsforthecorrectsharpeningangleof30° ( a l i g n t h e m a r k i n g s p a r a l l e l t o t h e s a w c h a i n )andlimitsthedepthofpenetration(to4/5 o f t h efile diameter).► Fig.31: 1. F i l e h o l d e r—Aftersharpeningthechain,checktheheightofthedepthgaugeusingthechaingaugetool(optionalaccessory).► Fig.32— Remove any projecting material, however small,with a special flat file (optional accessory).— Round off the front of the depth gauge again.Cleaning the guide barChipsandsawdustwillbuildupintheguidebargroove.They may clog the bar groove and impair the oil flow.Cleanoutthechipsandsawdusteverytimewhenyousharpenorreplacethesawchain.► Fig.33Cleaning the sprocket coverChipsandsawdustwillaccumulateinsideofthesprocketcover. R e m o v e t h e s p r o c k e t c o v e r a n d s a wchainfromthetoolthencleanthechipsandsawdust.► Fig.34Cleaning the oil discharge holeSmalldustorparticlesmaybebuiltupintheoildis-chargeholeduringoperation. T h e s e d u s t o r p a r t i c l e smay impair the oil to flow and cause an insufficientlubricationonthewholesawchain. W h e n a p o o r c h a i noildeliveryoccursatthetopofguidebar,cleantheoildischargeholeasfollows.1. R e m o v e t h e s p r o c k e t c o v e r a n d s a w c h a i n f r o mthetool.2. R e m o v e t h e s m a l l d u s t o r p a r t i c l e s u s i n g a s l o t t e dscrewdriverorthelike.► Fig.35: 1. S l o t t e d s c r e w d r i v e r 2. O i l d i s c h a r g e h o l e3. In s e r t t h e b a t t e r y c a r t r i d g e i n t o t h e t o o l . P u l l t h eswitch trigger to flow built-up dust or particles off the oildischargeholebydischargingchainoil.4. R e m o v e t h e b a t t e r y c a r t r i d g e f r o m t h e t o o l .Reinstallthesprocketcoverandsawchainonthetool.Replacing the sprocketCAUTION: A worn sprocket will damage anew saw chain. Have the sprocket replaced in thiscase.Before fitting a new saw chain, check the condition ofthesprocket.► Fig.36: 1. S p r o c k e t 2. A r e a s t o b e w o r n o u tAlways fit a new locking ring when replacing thesprocket.► Fig.37: 1. L o c k i n g r i n g 2. S p r o c k e tNOTICE: Make sure that the sprocket is installedas shown in the figure.Storing the tool1. C l e a n t h e t o o l b e f o r e s t o r i n g . R e m o v e a n y c h i p sandsawdustfromthetoolafterremovingthesprocketcover.2. A f t e r c l e a n i n g t h e t o o l , r u n i t u n d e r n o l o a d t o l u b r i -catethesawchainandguidebar.3. C o v e r t h e g u i d e b a r w i t h t h e g u i d e b a r c o v e r .4. Em p t y t h e o i l t a n k . |
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