Makita UC002G Instruction Manual
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12 ENGLISHTop handle chainsaw specific safetywarnings1. This chain saw is designed especially for treecare and surgery. The chain saw is intendedto be used by properly trained persons only.Observe all instructions, procedures and rec-ommendations from the relevant professionalorganization. Otherwise fatal accidents mayoccur. It is recommend that always using arising platform (cherry picker, lift) for sawingin trees. Rappelling techniques are extremelydangerous and require special training. Theoperators must be trained to become familiarwith safety equipment usage and climbingtechniques. Always use the appropriate belts,ropes and carabiners when working in trees.Always use restraining equipment for both theoperator and the saw.2. Perform cleaning and maintenance beforestorage in accordance with the instructionmanual.3. Ensure safe positioning of the chain sawduring car transportation to avoid fuel or chainoil leakage, damage to the tool and personalinjury.4. Regularly check the functionality of chainbrake.5. Do not fill the chain oil near fire. Never smokewhen you fill the chain oil.6. National regulation may restrict the use of thechain saw.7. If the equipment gets heavy impact or fall,check the condition before continuing work.Check the controls and safety devices for mal-function. If there is any damage or doubt, askour authorized service center for the inspec-tion and repair.8. Always activate the chain brake before startingthe chain saw.9. Hold the saw firmly in place to avoid skating(skid movement) or bouncing of the saw whenstarting a cut.10. At the end of the cut, be careful to keep yourbalance due to the “drop”.11. Take into account the direction and speed ofthe wind. Avoid sawdust and chain oil mist.Protective equipment1. In order to avoid head, eye, hand or footinjuries as well as to protect your hearing thefollowing protective equipment must be usedduring operation of the chain saw:—Thekindofclothingshouldbeappropriate,i. e. it should be tight-fitting but not be ahindrance. Do not wear jewelry or clothingwhichcouldbecomeentangledwithbushesorshrubs. If y o u h a v e l o n g h a i r , a l w a y s w e a rahairnet!—It i s n e c e s s a r y t o w e a r a p r o t e c t i v e h e l m e twheneverworkingwiththechainsaw. T h eprotective helmet i s t o b e c h e c k e d i n r e g u -larintervalsfordamageandistobereplacedafter5 y e a r s a t t h e l a t e s t . U s e o n l y a p p r o v e dprotectivehelmets.—Theface shield o f t h e p r o t e c t i v e h e l m e t ( o rthegoggles)protectsagainstsawdustandwoodchips. Du r i n g o p e r a t i o n o f t h e c h a i nsawalwayswearagoggleorafaceshieldtoprevent eye injuries.—Wearadequatenoise protection equip-ment (ear muffs, ear plugs, etc.)—Theprotective jacket c o n s i s t s o f 22 l a y e r sofnylonandprotectstheoperatoragainstcuts. It i s a l w a y s t o b e w o r n w h e n w o r k i n gfromelevatedplatforms(cherrypickers,lifts),fromplatformsmountedonladdersorwhenclimbingwithropes.—Theprotective brace and bib overall i smadeofanylonfabricwith22 l a y e r s a n dprotectsagainstcuts. W e s t r o n g l y r e c o m -menditsuse.—Protective gloves m a d e o f t h i c k l e a t h e r a r epartoftheprescribedequipmentandmustalwaysbewornduringoperationofthechainsaw.—Du r i n g o p e r a t i o n o f t h e c h a i n s a w safetyshoes o r safety boots fitted with anti skidsole,steeltoecapsandprotectionforthelegmustalwaystobeworn. S a f e t y s h o e sequippedwithaprotectivelayerprovideprotectionagainstcutsandensureasecurefooting. F o r w o r k i n g i n t r e e s t h e s a f e t y b o o t smustbesuitableforclimbingtechniques.Vibration1. In d i v i d u a l s w i t h p o o r c i r c u l a t i o n w h o a r e e x p o s e dto excessive vibration may experience injury tobloodvesselsorthenervoussystem. V i b r a t i o nmaycausethefollowingsymptomstooccurinthefingers, hands or wrists: “Falling asleep” (numb-ness),tingling,pain,stabbingsensation,alterationofskincolouroroftheskin. If any of these symp-toms occur, see a physician! T o r e d u c e t h e r i s kof “white finger disease”, keep your hands warmduringoperationandwellmaintaintheequipmentandaccessories.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.WARNING: DO NOT let comfort or familiaritywith product (gained from repeated use) replacestrict adherence to safety rules for the subjectproduct. MISUSE or failure to follow the safetyrules stated in this instruction manual may causeserious personal injury.Important safety instructions forbattery cartridge1. Before using battery cartridge, read all instruc-tions and cautionary markings on (1) batterycharger, (2) battery, and (3) product usingbattery.2. Do not disassemble or tamper with the batterycartridge. It may result in a fire, excessive heat,orexplosion.3. If operating time has become excessivelyshorter, stop operating immediately. It mayresult in a risk of overheating, possible burnsand even an explosion. |
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