Makita UC002G Instruction Manual
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17 ENGLISHOPERATIONLubricationNOTICE: When filling the chain oil for the firsttime, or refilling the tank after it has been com-pletely emptied, add oil up to the bottom edge ofthe filler neck. The oil delivery may otherwise beimpaired.NOTICE: Use the saw chain oil exclusively forMakita chain saws or equivalent oil available inthe market.NOTICE: Never use oil including dust and parti-cles or volatile oil.NOTICE: When pruning trees, use botanical oil.Mineral oil may harm trees.NOTICE: Before the cutting operation, make surethat the provided oil tank cap is screwed in place.Sawchainisautomaticallylubricatedwhenthetoolisinoperation. C h e c k t h e a m o u n t o f r e m a i n i n g o i l i n t h e o i ltankperiodicallythroughtheoilinspectionwindow.► Fig.19: 1. O i l t a n k c a p 2. O i l i n s p e c t i o n w i n d o wTo refill the tank, lay the chain saw on its side, thenpushthebuttonontheoiltankcapsothatthebuttonontheothersidestandsup,andthenremovetheoiltankcapbyturningit.The proper amount of oil is 200 ml. After refilling thetank,makesurethattheoiltankcapistightenedsecurely.► Fig.20: 1. O i l t a n k c a p 2. T i g h t e n 3. L o o s e nNOTE: If it is difficult to remove the oil tank cap,inserttheboxwrenchintotheslotoftheoiltankcap,andthenremovetheoiltankcapbyturningitcounterclockwise.► Fig.21: 1. S l o t 2. B o x w r e n c hAfter refilling, hold the chain saw away from thetree. S t a r t i t a n d w a i t u n t i l l u b r i c a t i o n o n s a w c h a i n i sadequate.► Fig.22Working with the chain sawCAUTION: Keep all parts of the body awayfrom the saw chain when the motor is operating.CAUTION: Hold the chain saw firmly withboth hands when the motor is running.CAUTION: Do not overreach. Keep properfooting and balance at all times.NOTICE: Never toss or drop the tool.NOTICE: Do not cover the vents of the tool.Pruning treesBringthechainsawbodyintocontactwiththebranchtobecutbeforeswitchingon. O t h e r w i s e i t m a y c a u s e t h eguide bar to wobble, resulting in injury to operator. Sawthe wood to be cut by just moving it down by using theweightofthechainsaw.► Fig.23If y o u c a n n o t c u t t h e t i m b e r r i g h t t h r o u g h w i t h a s i n g l e s t r o k e :Applylightpressuretothehandleandcontinuesawinganddrawthechainsawbackalittle.► Fig.24When cutting thick branches, first make a shallowundercut and then make the finish cut from the top.► Fig.25If you try to cut off thick branches from the bottom, thebranchmaycloseinandpinchthesawchaininthecut.If you try to cut off thick branches from the top without ashallowundercut,thebranchmaysplinter.► Fig.26Carrying toolBeforecarryingthetool,alwaysapplythechainbrakeandremovethebatterycartridgefromthetool. T h e nattachtheguidebarcover. A l s o c o v e r t h e b a t t e r y c a r -tridgewiththebatterycover.► Fig.27: 1. G u i d e b a r c o v e r 2. B a t t e r y c o v e rMAINTENANCECAUTION: Always be sure that the tool isswitched off and the battery cartridge is removedbefore attempting to perform inspection ormaintenance.CAUTION: Always wear gloves when perform-ing any inspection or maintenance.NOTICE: Never use gasoline, benzine, thinner,alcohol or the like. Discoloration, deformation orcracks may result.TomaintainproductSAFET Y a n d R EL IA B IL IT Y ,repairs, any other maintenance or adjustment shouldbeperformedbyMakitaAuthorizedorFactoryServiceCenters,alwaysusingMakitareplacementparts.Sharpening the saw chainSharpen the saw chain when:•Mealysawdustisproducedwhendampwoodiscut;• The chain penetrates the wood with difficulty, evenwhenheavypressureisapplied;•Thecuttingedgeisobviouslydamaged;•Thesawpullstotheleftorrightinthewood.(causedbyunevensharpeningofthesawchainordamagetoonesideonly)Sharpenthesawchainfrequentlybutalittleeachtime. T w o o rthree strokes with a file are usually sufficient for routine resharp-ening. W h e n t h e s a w c h a i n h a s b e e n r e s h a r p e n e d s e v e r a ltimes,haveitsharpenedinourauthorizedservicecenter. |
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