5-4 Procedures after Completion of Installation4. Enter “public” in the [Community name] box in the [Traps] property sheet and click the[Add to list] button.IMPORTANT: To change the community name of traps to be received from the default “*” inthe NEC ESMPRO Manager site, enter the same name as the community namenewly set in the NEC ESMPRO Manager site. To receive trap from NEC ESMPRO Agent at the NEC ESMPRO Managermachine, both community names should be the same.5. Click the [Add...] button in [Trap destinations]. After entering the IP address of the NECESMPRO Manager machine of the send destination in the [Host name, IP or IPX address]box, click the [Add] button.IMPORTANT: If the IP address (or host name) of the remote NEC ESMPROManager specified as the trap send destination in the setup of the manager report(TCP/IP), the message warning the duplication appears. The specification of thesame NEC ESMPRO Manager causes to be reported doubly.6. Open the [Security] property sheet and make settings as follows;• Add the community name entered in Step 4 to [Accepted community names].• Set its authority to [READ CREATE] or [READ WRITE].• Select [Accept SNMP packets from any host.]IMPORTANT: If you entered any community name other than “public” in Step 4, add thatname to “Accepted community names”. Unless you set the acceptable community’s authority to “READ CREATE” or“READ WRITE,” you cannot perform monitoring from NEC ESMPROManager.< Setup of receiving SNMP packets from specific hosts only >Select [Accept SNMP packets from these hosts], specify IP addresses of the hosts, IPaddresses of the servers to install Agent, and the loop-back address (< Setup of receiving SNMP packets from specific communities only >Change the name of the community receiving SNMP packets from the default “public”to any name.