Installing Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions F-99. A list of mass storage devices is displayed.Select the [Adaptec Ultra320 SCSI Cards (Windows 64-bit)] and press Enter.IMPORTANT: If the following message is displayed when you usethe N8103-75/107 SCSI controller, press S.The driver you provided seems to be newerthan the Windows default driver.Windows already has a driver that you can usefor "Adaptec Ultra 320 SCSI Cards(Windows64-bit)"Unless the device manufacturer prefers thatyou usethe driver on the floppy disk, youshould use the driver in Windows.The screen of Step 5 is displayed.Go to Step 10.10. Press S.IMPORTANT: Insert the Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition OEM-Disk forEXPRESSBUILDER into the floppy disk drive. If the floppy diskdrive has already contained Windows Server 2003 x64 EditionOEM-Disk for EXPRESSBUILDER, you do not need to insert theWindows Server 2003 x64 Edition OEM-Disk forEXPRESSBUILDER. If you have created the OEM-Disk into the Flash FDD, connect theFlash FDD before you start the system.The screen of Step 6 is displayed. Press Enter, and go to Step 11.Press Enter, and go to Step 12.11. A list of mass storage devices is displayed.Select the [LSI Fusion-MPT SAS Driver (Server 2003 x64)] and press Enter.The screen of Step 5 is displayed.Press Enter, and go to Step 12.