1. POST Error MessageExpress5800/T120e Maintenance Guide 119Chapter 3 Appendix(1) Error messages(1/7)Error Message Cause Solution8000 System variable is corrupted. Illegal setup information of BIOSwas detected.Start BIOS Setup Utility (SETUP), and thenexecute Load Setup Defaults and specify thenecessary settings.If the same error is detected repeatedly in spite ofre-setting, contact your sales representative.8001 Real time clock error Real time clock error wasdetected.8002 Check date and time settings Incorrect date and time set onreal time clock was detected.Start SETUP, and then specify the correct dateand time.If the same error is detected repeatedly in spite ofre-setting, contact your sales representative.8003 System battery is dead -Replace and run SETUPThe battery for storing systemsettings is dead.Contact your sales representative to request abattery replacement. (After the replacement, startSETUP, and then specify the correct settings.)8005 Previous boot incomplete -Default configuration usedThe previous POST processingdid not finish.Run SETUP and execute Load SetupDefaults, then specify the necessarysettings.8006 System configuration datacleared by Jumper.The setup utility settings werecleared using the jumper.Follow the steps described in Chapter 1 (7.Resetting and Clearing the Server).Start SETUP, and then setup each item again.If the same error is detected, contact your salesrepresentative.This error message also appears when lithiumbattery is removed.8007 SETUP Menu Password cleared byJumper.The password set in SETUP wascleared by the jumper.Follow the steps described in Chapter 1 (7.Resetting and Clearing the Server).Start SETUP, and then setup each item again.If the same error is detected, contact your salesrepresentative.8020 BIOS update error. BIOS update failed. Try BIOS update again.If the same error is detected repeatedly, contactyour sales representative.8021 Recovery jumper is set, butrecovery images is not found.Recovery jumper is set, butrecovery of BIOS failed.8800 DXE_NB_ERROR An error was detected duringinitialization of chipset.8801 DXE_NO_CON_IN8802 DXE_NO_CON_OUTAn error was detected duringinitialization of console.8803 PEI_DXE_CORE_NOT_FOUND8804 PEI_DXEIPL_NOT_FOUND8805 DXE_ARCH_PROTOCOL_NOT_AVAILABLEBIOS Flash ROM failed.8806 PEI_RESET_NOT_AVAILABLE8807 DXE_RESET_NOT_AVAILABLEThe system was not resetcorrectly.8808 DXE_FLASH_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to write in BIOS FlashROM.8830 PEI_RECOVERY_NO_CAPSULE8831 PEI_RECOVERY_PPI_NOT_FOUND8832 PEI_RECOVERY_FAILEDFailed to recover BIOS FlashROM.9000 Unsupported CPU detected9001 Unsupported CPU detected onCPU #19002 Unsupported CPU detected onCPU #2An unsupported CPU wasdetected.9021 Unsupported CPU Speeddetected on CPU #19022 Unsupported CPU Speeddetected on CPU #2A CPU of which clock speed isunsupported was detected.9040 PEI_CPU_SELF_TEST_FAILED An error was detected in CPUinitialization.Contact your sales representative.