4. RAID System ConfigurationExpress5800/T120e Maintenance Guide88Chapter 2 Useful Features4.2 Menu Tree: Selectable or executable item : Settings : Information only(1/2)Item DescriptionConfigure Specifies configurationsEasy Configuration Specifies a configuration using default valuesNew Configuration Specifies a new configurationView/Add Configuration Adds or views a configurationClear Configuration Clears the configuration dataSelect Boot Drive Selects a Virtual Drive to be bootedInitialize Initializes the Virtual DriveObjects Specifies various objectsAdapter Specifies the settings of RAID controllerSel. Adapter Selects a controllerRebuild Rate 30 (Rebuild IO Rate)Chk Const Rate 30 (Check Consistency IO Rate)FGI Rate 30 (Foreground Initialize IO Rate)BGI Rate 30 (Background Initialize IO Rate)Disk WC Off (Write Cache setting on controller. This setting is not usedby LSI Software RAID)Read Ahead On (Read Ahead setting on HDD)Bios State Enable (Enables or disables the LSI Software RAID BIOS)Cont on Error Yes (Continues or stops POST process if an error isoccurred)Fast Init Enable (Enables or disables Fast Initialize)Auto Rebuild On (Enables or disables Auto Rebuild)Auto Resume Enable (Enables or disables Auto Resume after theprocessing is interrupted)Disk Coercion 1 GB (The accommodating boundary size when the HDDS ofdifferent size are configured)Factory Default Resets to the default valuesVirtual Drive Operates a Virtual DriveVirtual Drives Selects a Virtual Drive when multiple Virtual Drives existInitialize Initializes the Virtual DriveCheck Consistency Checks Virtual Drive redundancyView/Update Parameters Views the Virtual Drive information RAID Views the RAID level SIZE Views the Virtual Drive capacity Stripe SIZE Views the stripe size #Stripes Views the number of hard disk drives in the Virtual Drive