ISSUE 1.011-4 Network Settings6. Enter the Verification Code of the device.7. Click Apply to save and exit the screen.After configuration, you can access and manage the NVR using your mobilephone where the Cloud P2P application is installed.2.3 Configuring DDNSIf your NVR is set to use PPPoE as its default network connection, you can setDynamic DNS (DDNS) to be used for network access.Prior registration with your ISP is required before configuring the system to useDDNS.1. Access the Network settings screen:Menu -> Configuration -> Network2. Select the DDNS tab to open the DDNS settings screen.3. Check the DDNS checkbox to enable this feature.4. Select DDNS Type. Five different DDNS types are selectable: IPServer,DynDNS, PeanutHull, NO-IP and SIMPLEDDNS. IPServer:Enter the Server Address for IPServer.NOTE The verification code consists of six capital letters and is located atthe bottom of the DVR. You can also use the scanning tool on yourphone to quickly get the code by scanning the QR code.Figure 11-4 IPServer Settings Screen