ISSUE 1.0NVR Configuration Guide (Advanced) for NRS Expanded Series 11-214. Click to activate the External Port Settings dialog box. Configurethe External Port number for Server Port, HTTP Port, RTSP Port andHTTPS Port respectively.5. Click OK to save the setting for the current port and return to theupper-level menu.6. Click Apply to save the settings.7. Enter the virtual server setting page of the router. Fill in the blanks forthe Internal Source Port with the internal port value, the ExternalSource Port with the external port value and other required contents.NOTE The value of the RTSP port number should be 554 orbetween 1024 and 65535, while the value of the otherports should be between 1 and 65535. The values mustbe different from each other. If multiple devices areconfigured for the UPnP settings under the same router,the value of the port No. for each device should beunique.Figure 11-27 External Port Settings Dialog BoxFigure 11-28 Setting Virtual Server ItemNOTE ❍ Each item should be corresponding with the deviceport, including the server port, HTTP port, RTSP portand HTTPS port.❍ The virtual server screen is for reference only. It maybe different due to different router manufactures.Contact the router manufacturer if you have anyproblems with setting the virtual server.