Section 6Minitower RepairDISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLYThis section contains step-by-step disassembly procedures for the minitower systems. Thehard disk drive, and 3 1/2-inch diskette drive are installed and included in these disassemblyprocedures. Reassembly is the reverse of disassembly. Each procedure is supported by asimplified disassembly illustration to facilitate removal. The detailed exploded-view diagramand parts lists for the minitower systems are shown later in this section.A Phillips-head screwdriver is the only required tool. For complete disassembly of thesystem unit, follow the disassembly order listed in Table 6-1. To reassemble, follow thetable in reverse order.Individual removal procedures do not require the total disassembly of the computer. Eachof the following subsections lists the parts that must be removed before beginning theremoval procedure. To reassemble, follow the procedure in reverse order.Table 6-1 PowerMate V Minitower Disassembly SequenceSequence Part See Page1 System unit cover 6-22 Expansion board(s) 6-43 SIMM sticks 6-44 Front 3 1/2-inch hard disk drive 6-65 3 1/2-inch diskette drive 6-76 Front panel assembly 6-77 Blank panel and metal cover plate 6-88 5 1/4-inch device 6-99 Rear 3 1/2-inch hard disk drive 6-1110 Card guide/fan bracket 6-1211 Speaker assembly 6-1312 Power supply 6-1413 PCI/ISA backboard 6-1514 System board 6-15