Technical Information 1-3DESKTOP SYSTEM CHASSISThe desktop chassis provides an enclosure for the system board, power supply, fourexpansion slots, a five-connector PCI/ISA backboard, and four storage device slots. Theexpansion slots include two 8-/16-bit ISA slots, one dedicated 32-bit PCI slot, and oneshared PCI/ISA (32-bit PCI or 8-/16-bit ISA) slot. For network-ready configurations, oneslot has a network board installed and the remaining slots are open.The four storage device slots accommodate up to three accessible devices and one internalhard disk drive device. The accessible devices include the standard one-inch high 3 1/2-inch1.44-MB diskette drive and up to two 1.6-inch high 5 1/4-inch storage devices. The non-multimedia hard disk systems ship with an accessible 3 1/2-inch diskette drive and aninternal 3 1/2-inch hard disk drive, leaving two accessible 5 1/4-inch storage device slotsavailable for optional devices. The multimedia systems ship with an accessible 3 1/2-inchdiskette drive, an internal 3 1/2-inch hard disk drive, and an accessible 5 1/4-inch CD-ROMreader, leaving one accessible 5 1/4-inch storage device slot available for an optional device.Figure 1-1 shows front panel features and locations of the accessible storage devices in adesktop system. Multimedia systems come with a CD-ROM reader installed in the topaccessible device slot.3 1/2-InchDiskette Drive5 1/4-Inch AccessibleDevice Slots3 1/2-Inch InternalHard Drive Slot(behind panel)IR WindowSystem Controlsand LampsPower ButtonFigure 1-1 Desktop System Controls and Storage Device Slots