Introduction 1–3Whenever you send a job to the printer, an “image”of that page is temporarily written to the rotatingsurface of an electrophotographic (EP) drum. Thisimage acts like a magnet that attracts toner to thedrum. (The toner and the drum are grouped in oneself-contained cartridge.)At the same time, paper (or transparency film or anenvelope) passes through the printer and near thedrum. The paper is electrostatically charged as itreaches the drum.Toner, previously attracted to the drum as imageareas, is transferred to the charged paper. The paperthen passes between two rollers where a combinationof heat and pressure bonds the toner to the paper.The paper is then moved to the output tray.The following list highlights Silentwriter SuperScript610plus features.Host-based ProcessingSuperScript uses your PC power to process printjobs.Two Printing ModesThe Silentwriter SuperScript 610plus softwareallows you to select from two different modes ofprinting:• GDI mode provides fast, WYSIWYP (WhatYou See Is What You Print) output.• Both Windows and DOS applications runningunder Windows can use PCL emulation modefor printing, which provides compatibilitywith the popular printer language used in theLaserJet® IIP.STANDARDFEATURESHOW THEPRINTINGPROCESSWORKS