Getting Service and Support 11–3NEC offers a complete range of hardware supportservice. Technical support information andinformation regarding out-of-warranty repair isavailable by calling the National Service ResponseCenter at 1-800-388-8888.Please have the following printer information readybefore you call:• model number• serial number• configuration test page (see 2-40 to 2-42)• where and when the printer was purchased(This is not required if we have received yourwarranty card. If you did not return yourwarranty card, you will be advised on how tovalidate your warranty claim.)Getting Helpfrom NECNOTE: This product requires specific PC hardwareand software configurations to operate as specifiedby NEC. It is the owner's responsibility to supplythese supporting items, and where necessary, toreconfigure and/or furnish additional hardware and/or software as required or specified by NEC toassure normal product operation. NEC incurs noobligation to furnish or install said items. NECreserves the right to modify or update SuperScriptsoftware as it deems necessary and to determinedistribution policies for such changes to existingowners.