E–33Position/ClockHorizontalVerticalClockPhase1008005050This allows you to manually adjust the image horizontallyand vertically, and adjust Clock and Phase.Adjusts the image location horizontally and vertically usingthe and buttons.This adjustment is made automatically when the Auto Ad-just is turned on.Use this item with the “Auto Adjust off” to fine tune thecomputer image or to remove any vertical banding that mightappear. This function adjusts the clock frequencies that elimi-nate the horizontal banding in the image. Press the andbuttons until the banding disappears. This adjustment maybe necessary when you connect your computer for the firsttime. This adjustment is made automatically when the AutoAdjust is turned on.Use this item to adjust the clock phase or to reduce videonoise, dot interference or cross talk. (This is evident whenpart of your image appears to be shimmering.) Use theand buttons to adjust the image.Use “Phase” only after the “Clock” is complete.This adjustment is made automatically when the Auto Ad-just is turned on.See “Auto Adjust (RGB Only)” on page E-36 for turning onor off the Auto Adjust feature.Resolution (when Auto Adjust is off):ResolutionAuto NativeFactry DefaultAll DataCurrent SignalVideo Filter (when Auto Adjust is off):Position/ Clock (when Auto Adjust is off):This allows you to activate or deactivate the AdvancedAccuBlend feature.Auto: Turns on the Advanced AccuBlend feature.The projector automatically reduces or en-larges the current image to fit the full screen.Native: Turns off the Advanced AccuBlend feature.The projector displays the current image inits true resolution.See “Auto Adjust (RGB Only)” on page E-36 for turning on or off the Auto Adjust fea-ture.NOTE: When an image with a resolution of SVGA, XGA orSXGA is displayed, the Resolution is not available.NOTE: Once the Resolution setting has been changed, the“Aspect” setting is automatically changed to “Normal”.Changes all adjustments and settings to the factory preset.Reset all the adjustments and settings for all the signals tothe factory preset.The items can be reset except Language, CommunicationSpeed, Lamp Remaining Time, Lamp Hour Meter, FilterUsage, and Projector Usage. To reset the lamp usage time,see “Clear Lamp Hour Meter” and “Clear Filter Usage” pageE-37.Video FilterOff Less MoreThis function reduces video noise.Off: The low-pass filter is not applied.Less: The low-pass filter is applied weakly.More: The low-pass filter is applied strongly.Screen adjustments are possible even when the filter is on.Factory DefaultResets the adjustments for the current signal to the factorypreset levels.The items that can be reset are: Brightness, Contrast, Color,Hue, Sharpness, Volume, Aspect, Horizontal Position, Ver-tical Position, Clock, Phase, Resolution, Video Filter, GammaCorrection, Color Correction, and White Balance.All Data ResetAre you sure ?YesNoCurrent Signal ResetAre you sure ?YesNo
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