E–34Projector OptionsAllows you to set preferences for the on-screen menu.This feature allows you to select two menu modes: one hasbasic functionality and the other more advanced functional-ity.Basic Mode:This is the normal mode.Advanced Mode:This mode is used for advanced users.You can choose one of seven languages for on-screen in-structions. The options are: English, German, French, Ital-ian, Spanish, Swedish and Japanese.NOTE:The“Language”setting cannot be reset back to“English”using the Factory Default function.You can turn on and off the information for input name suchas VIDEO and RGB.When this option is on, the current input will be displayedeach time you switch sources or turn on the projector.Color ManagementGamma CorrectionGraphicLinearBlack EnhanceGamma Correction (Advanced mode)Use theorbuttons to choose one mode from three options.Each mode is recommended for :Graphic:For graphicsLinear:For line art such as CADBlack Enhance: For dark portions of a pictureColor Correction (Advanced mode)White Balance (Advanced mode)White BalanceBrightness RedBrightness GreenBrightness BlueContrast RedContrast Green00000Contrast Blue0Gamma CorrectionColor CorrectionWhite BalanceColor CorrectionOFFMode1Mode3sRGBMode2User2User1MenuSetupMenuMenuMenu modeLanguageSource DisplayNo Input DisplayVolume BarKeystone BarMenu Display TimeBasicEnglishOnOnOnAuto 45 SecOffOffOffOnOffFilter Clean MessageOnOffThis option allows you to adjust neutral tint for yellow, cyan ormagenta.There are 4 factory presets optimized for various types of im-ages, or you can set 2 user adjustable settings.OFF:Turns off the Color Correction. You obtainthe brightest image.Mode 1:Recommended for true flesh tonesMode 2:Recommended for turf colorMode 3:Recommended for deep redsRGB:Standard color valuesUser 1:User adjustableUser 2:User adjustableWhen selecting User 1 or 2, the submenu below will be displayed.You can customize each color or tint.User AdjustColor Tune:Adjusts the Tint on whole screen for RGB.Yellow:Adjusts yellow to obtain reddish yellow orgreenish yellowMagenta:Adjusts magenta or purple to obtain reddishmagenta or bluish magenta.Cyan:Adjusts cyan or light greenish blue to ob-tain greenish or bluish cyan.White (On/Off): Select“On”for a bright white image;“Off”for a natural white image.This allows you to adjust the white balance. Brightness for eachcolor (RGB) is used to adjust the black level of the screen; Con-trast for each color (RGB) to adjust the white level of the screen.First use theorbuttons to select R, G, or B for the bright-ness and the contrast. Next use theorbuttons to adjust thelevel.