© National Instruments | 2-3RMX Programmable Power Supplies User ManualPanel OperationsMeasured Value Display, Setting Display, andSet OVP/OCP DisplayTurn the VOLTAGE knob to change the voltage. Turn the CURRENT knob to change thecurrent.Figure 2-6. Panel OperationsWhile in setting display mode (the SET key LED is illuminated), turning the VOLTAGE andCURRENT knobs will update the output voltage and current settings.You cannot set the output voltage to a value that is 95% of the OVP trip point or higher. Youcannot set the output current to a value that is 95% of the OCP trip point or higher.The displayed current or voltage may not change when you turn the CURRENT or VOLTAGEknob. This is because the values are being changed at a finer resolution than the front panel candisplay. The display will update when the amount that you change the value by reaches thesmallest display digit of the set voltage or current.Fine AdjustmentHolding down the SHIFT key while turning the VOLTAGE or CURRENT knobs allows forfiner adjustment of the programmed voltage and current values.Note When you set a value, it is convenient to first use normal resolution to set thevalue roughly and then switch to fine resolution to set it precisely.Output OperationsThe toggles each time you press OUTPUT. When output is on, the OUTPUT LED in the displayarea lights. When the output is off, the OUTPUT LED in the display area turns off.When the OUTPUT key LED is on, the power supply will drive its output terminals to a leveldetermined by the voltage and current settings. If you change the settings while the output is on,the changes are applied immediately to the output. If you change the settings while the output isoff, the device will switch to setting display mode (the SET key LED will light up). PressingOUTPUT will apply and drive the output terminals using the new settings.Decrease IncreaseIncrease Decrease