◦ The controls in the MASTER section affect the sound at the main outputs of MA-SCHINE, i.e. the sound of all Groups and all Sounds.10.2.2 ArrangementThe MASCHINE Project is about building patterns, and putting those patterns into a loop or asong structure. In MASCHINE process of creating ideas is separated from the process of ar-rangement to provide a more flexible and creative approach. To reflect this the Arrangementarea is split into two views: Ideas view and Arranger view which you can easily switch betweenusing your controller. The two views reflect the same content but in different ways.Ideas ViewThe Ideas view is best equipped to help you develop your Patterns and Scenes. Here you cre-ate and record your Patterns and then combine them by assigning them to Scenes. Once youhave created a number of Scenes that are ready to be arranged you can add them to the Ar-ranger view.Quick ReferenceMASCHINE Project OverviewMASCHINE MIKRO - Getting Started - 140