Quick Edits on Your PatternAt any time, you can undo your last action by pressing SHIFT + pad 1, whether you are current-ly recording or not. You can redo it by pressing SHIFT + pad 2.The undo and redo commands are global in MASCHINE: Almost any action in MASCHINE can beundone/redone.At any time, you can enrich your Pattern by activating PLAY and REC again, and playing thepads. This way, you can progressively build up a complex Pattern step by step.2.4 Playing with Your PatternNow that you have a nice Pattern, let’s introduce a few powerful tools for playing your Patternlive.2.4.1 Using Solo and MuteMute can be used to bypass a Sound or Group, whereas Solo is the opposite: Solo will mute allother Sounds in the Group, or all other Groups in the Project, so a selected Sound, or Groupcan be heard alone. The combination of both is a useful means to play live and to test differ-ent sequences together.When used on Sounds, the Solo only applies to the current Group: The Sounds in other Groupswill not be affected. Using Solo and Mute in the MASCHINE SoftwareSoloing a Sound► To solo a Sound, right-click the number on the left side of the Sound slot in the PatternEditor.First StepsPlaying with Your PatternMASCHINE MIKRO - Getting Started - 27