3 Building Your Own Drum KitIn this tutorial, you will exchange some of the Sounds of your drum kit, and adjust a few set-tings for your Project and your Group. On the way, you will discover some features of the MA-SCHINE software user interface.PrerequisitesIt is assumed here that you have followed the previous tutorial. In particular, you already knowhow to:▪ Load a Group using the Browser.▪ Use the pads to play the Sounds of that Group.▪ Record a simple Pattern with that Group.▪ Save the current Project for a later use.If you have any doubts about these tasks, please refer to chapter ↑2, First Steps before pro-ceeding!3.1 Opening Your ProjectIf for any reason your tutorial Project is not currently open in MASCHINE (e.g., you opened an-other Project in the meantime), you first need to open it again. You can do this with the con-troller or in the software, for example using the MASCHINE Browser.If you closed MASCHINE and started it again, your last Project should automatically load by de-fault. If you changed this setting, follow these instructions to load the tutorial Project again!If the tutorial Project is already open in MASCHINE, you can skip to section ↑3.2, CustomizingYour Drum Kit.Building Your Own Drum KitOpening Your ProjectMASCHINE MIKRO - Getting Started - 32