Vector-LP Radio Beacon Transmitter Technical Instruction Manual Page 7-1Section 7 Parts Information Issue 1.1Vector-LP Radio Beacon TransmitterTECHNICAL INSTRUCTION MANUALSection 7 PARTS INFORMATION7.1 INTRODUCTIONThis section contains parts lists that providedescriptive and provisioning information for allelectrical and mechanical parts that havebeen assigned a reference designation andform a part of the subject equipment.7.2 FAMILY TREEFigure 7-1 depicts the family tree for thesubject equipment. It is based on thedescending order of the referencedesignation hierarchy and identifies allassemblies that have an assigned Nautelconfiguration control number.7.3 HOW TO LOCATE INFORMATIONFOR A SPECIFIC PARTTo locate the information for a specific part,the assigned reference designation for thepart must be known. In addition, the Nautelconfiguration control number (e.g.,NAPC147B) assigned to the assemblycontaining the part or the full referencedesignation, including the referencedesignation of all higher assemblies, must beknown.7.3.1 When Nautel ConfigurationControl Number Is KnownWhen the Nautel configuration controlnumber (e.g., NAPC147B) is known, theinformation for a specific part can be locatedin the alphanumerically sorted referencedesignation lists.7.3.2 When Ref Des Is KnownWhen the full reference designation isknown, the information for a part can belocated as follows: Refer to the family tree depicted in Figure7-1 with the full reference designation. Follow the family tree branches to theblock that represents the lowest levelassembly assigned a Nautelconfiguration control number. Then locatethe reference designation table for thatNautel configuration control number. Locate the part's reference designation inthe specified table.7.4 REFERENCE DESIGNATIONLISTSIndividual reference designation lists areprovided for: Assemblies assigned an alpha-prefixedNautel nomenclature (e.g., NAPC147B) Cable harnesses that are assigned anumbered Nautel part (e.g., 205-8001) Optional kits that are assigned anumbered Nautel part (e.g., 205-8045)The reference designation lists, which aretitled and presented in alphanumeric order,are divided into columns to aid in locatingspecific information.7.5 COLUMN CONTENTEXPLANATIONThe following paragraphs explain the purposeand contents of each column in the referencedesignation lists.7.5.1 Ref Des ColumnThe ‘ref des’ column contains the referencedesignation for a specific part. Thesedesignations are assigned in accordance withthe requirements of American NationalStandard Specification ANSI Y32.16.Reference designations are listedalphanumerically in this column.