Page 2-12 Vector-LP Radio Beacon Transmitter Technical Instruction ManualIssue 1.1 Section 2 Preparation for Use and Installation2.2.20.1 Standby SideThe Vector-LP transmitter can be upgradedto accept a standby RF power module and aset of standby exciter assemblies, including: RF synthesizer PWB (A8) Interphase PDM driver PWB (A9) Exciter monitor/generator PWB (A10) RF power module (A13) Universal input ac/dc power supply (U3)When the standby side components areinstalled, the transmitter must be placed inNORMAL changeover mode to enable thestandby switching feature. Spares KitA comprehensive maintenance spares kit isavailable. The kit includes a quantity of eachthrough-hole semiconductor, LED, and fuseused in the equipment as well as importantrepair items such as semiconductorinsulators, fan filters, etc. Interface Protection UnitA surge protector panel rated for the acpower source being applied to thetransmitter is available from Nautel. Thesurge protector panel will help protect thetransmitter against lightning-induced voltagetransients on the ac power source and/or theantenna system.NOTEFigure 2-5 shows the recommended systeminstallation for a transmitter system. Thisdrawing emphasizes the interconnections tothe interface protection unit. Battery BackupIf purchased, the battery boost assembly(A16) will distribute appropriate voltages tothe exciter assemblies and power modules.When purchased, the battery boost PWB isused in conjunction with a bank of usersupplied batteries attached in such amanner as to provide 24 V dc (VR125 only)or 48 V dc and suitable current to allow thesystem to operate in battery backup mode. Site InterfaceThe optional site interface PWB (A4) mountsbelow the remote interface PWB on the backof the front panel (see Figure 2-2). It can beused to provide 16 control points and 16monitor points from a remote location viaterminal block connectors. The active statusof these control and monitor points can beconfigured using the front panel GUI. Modem KitAn optional modem kit (Nautel Part #195-3032) is available. The kit includes aMulti-Tech Systems MT5634 modem (NautelPart # UW66) and its associated cabling.The transmitter can be set up for modemoperation in the RCMS section of the frontpanel GUI. Deluxe Cabinet MountingAn optional cabinet (Nautel Part # 205-8075,see Figures SD-26 and MD-1B) is available.This cabinet supports the Vector-LP on slidesand also contains: terminal block TB1 to accept the externalac power source ac line cord (P3, Nautel Part # JN50) toconnect between TB1 and the Vector-LP RF output connector at the top of thecabinet, and associated coaxial cable(W1) for connection to the Vector-LP’sRF output interconnect cabling (see Table 8-6) optional battery charger (U1), whichreceives its ac input via TB12.2.20.8 IP66 Cabinet MountingAn optional IP66 cabinet (Nautel Part #205-8080, see Figures SD-27 and MD-1C) isavailable. This cabinet supports theVector-LP in a weather-proof cabinet withaccessible weather-proof connectors. Anoptional battery charger unit may be installedon the floor of the cabinet.