Page 1-4 Vector-LP Radio Beacon Transmitter Technical Instruction ManualIssue 1.1 Section 1 General informationTable 1-3: Glossary of TermsTERM DESCRIPTIONac Alternating currentAM Amplitude modulationBit Basic timing increment derived from master clock in keying unit.Length is dependent on frame length and number of charactersused. An 8-bit frame is nominally 125 ms long.Character Letter or number in the beacon identification signaldBm Decibel reference 1 mWdc Direct currentElement Smallest divisible part of a character. May be either a dot or adashFrame Selected, fixed interval of time that is sufficiently long toaccommodate the beacon identification signal and an interval ofcontinuous tone. Normally set to 80 bits (10 seconds)GUI Graphic user interface. Referred to as diagnostic displaythroughout the manualHz HertzModular Redundancy Identical modules operating in an overall system design such thatfailure of one module does not affect the output of the systemPDM Pulse duration modulationPSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkPWB Printed wiring board (also known as printed circuit board)RF Radio frequencySPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceV ac Volts acVSWR Voltage standing wave ratio