Vector-LP Radio Beacon Transmitter Technical Instruction Manual Page 2-15Section 2 Preparation for Use and Installation Issue 1.1(c) Determine which remote controlinputs are being applied and thendetermine, if applicable, whether theyare differential or single-ended input.See section 2.2.12 (Remote ControlCircuits), for more information on thetype of input.(d) Cut each wire to the required lengthand, if the wire is being terminated ata terminal block, remove 3/8” (9.5mm) of insulation from the end ofeach conductor; if the wire is beingterminated in one of the connectors,remove 1/8” (3.2 mm) of insulationfrom the end of each conductor.(e) Insert the control/monitor wiring intothe applicable terminals of the remoteinterface PWB (A3). Ensure theterminal block securing screws arefirmly tightened and the adjacentwires do not touch (short).(f) If the optional modem kit (Nautel Part# 195-3032) is being used, verifyconnectors P7 and P8 are connectedto the modem and connect the phoneline to the modem.(g) If a Nautel ATU-LP or ATU500 isbeing used, complete the serialconnection to the ATU (transmitterconnections detailed in Table 2-3) asdetailed in the ATU-LP or ATU500Technical Instructions Manual. Also,provide the ATU’s dc input source byconnecting a separate cable betweenthe transmitter’s 24 V source [TB1-1(+) and TB1-3 (ground), see FigureMD-1] and the associated ATU’s dcinput (see ATU manual).2.3.7 Installing Ac Power WiringNOTEThe following procedures assume the acpower is supplied from a single-phase,50/60 Hz ac power source between 170and 270 V ac (for VR250) or between 90and 270 V ac (for VR125).(a) If an interface protection unit waspurchased, route the ac power wiringfrom the ac power source (serviceentrance) to the interface protectionunit, noting that it should be locatedclose to the building’s ac entrance. Ifan interface protection unit was notpurchased, Nautel recommends thatall ac power wiring pass through oneor more ferrite toroids positioned nearthe transmitter’s power connection.(b) Connect the transmitter’s ac input(U5, see Figure 2-2) to the interfaceprotection unit, if purchased, or to acpower source. If the deluxe or shortcabinet was purchased, connect theac input to TB1 (see Figure MD-1B orMD-1D). An ac line cord (Nautel Part# JN50) is included in the ancillary kitor cabinet kit.2.3.8 Installing Dc Power SourceWiring (optional)Connect the wiring from the dc powersource to the appropriate terminals of TB1(see Table 2-6).(a) Disconnect the dc power.(b) Connect the dc power source to TB1of the transmitter s shown in Table2-6. Ensure wiring is securelytightened. If the short cabinet waspurchased, disregard Table 2-6 andconnect dc power source wiring toTB2-1 (+) and TB2-2 (-) of thecabinet.Table 2-6: Dc Power ConnectionTERMINAL CONNECTIONTB1-1 Battery (+)TB1-2 Battery (-)TB1-3 Charger InTB1-4 Charger Out(c) Apply dc power. Verify the voltagebetween TB1-1 and TB1-2 is thebattery’s nominal voltage [24 V dc(VR125 only) or 48 V dc].