Access Log ContentChapter 5 Access Log and Connection Code Reference 183Operation NumberTo process a given LDAP request, Directory Server will perform the required seriesof operations. For a given connection, all operation request and operation resultpairs are given incremental operation numbers beginning with op=0 to identify thedistinct operations being performed. In Code Example 5-1 on page 181 we haveop=0 for the bind operation request and result pair, then op=1 for the LDAP searchrequest and result pair, and so on. Should you see op=-1 in the access log itgenerally means that the LDAP request for this connection was not issued by anexternal LDAP client, but instead initiated internally.Method TypeThe method number, in this case method=128, indicates which LDAPv3 bindmethod was used by the client. There are three possible bind method values:0 = no authentication128 = simple bind with user passwordsasl= SASL bind using external authentication mechanismVersion NumberThe version number, in this case, version=3, indicates the LDAP version number(either LDAPv2 or LDAPv3) that the LDAP client used to communicate with theLDAP server.Error NumberThe error number, in this case err=0, provides the LDAP result code returned fromthe LDAP operation performed. The LDAP error number 0 means that theoperation was successful. For a more comprehensive list of LDAP result codes see“LDAP Result Codes,” on page 191.Tag NumberThe tag number, in this case tag=97, indicates the type of result returned, which isalmost always a reflection of the type of operation performed. The tags used are theBER tags from the LDAP protocol. Commonly used tags include:tag=97 for a result from a client bind operationtag=100 indicates the actual entry for which you were searchingtag=101 for a result from a search operationtag=103 for a result from a modify operation