Core Server Configuration Attributes ReferenceChapter 2 Core Server Configuration Reference 65nsslapd-referralmode (Referral Mode)When set this attribute will send back the referral for any request on any suffix.nsslapd-reservedescriptors (Reserved File Descriptors)Not applicable to Directory Server installations on Windows and AIX machines.This read-only attribute specifies the number of file descriptors that DirectoryServer reserves for managing non-client connections, such as index managementand managing replication. The number of file descriptors that the server reservesfor this purpose subtracts from the total number of file descriptors available forservicing LDAP client connections (see “nsslapd-maxdescriptors (Maximum FileDescriptors)” on page 60).Most installations of Directory Server should never need to change this attribute.However, consider increasing the value on this attribute if all of the following aretrue:• The server is replicating to a large number of consumer servers (more than 10)and/or the server is maintaining a large number of index files (more than 30).• The server is servicing a large number of LDAP connections.• You are seeing error messages reporting that the server is unable to open filedescriptors (the actual error message will differ depending on the operationthat the server is attempting to perform), but these error messages are NOTrelated to managing client LDAP connections.Increasing the value on this attribute may result in more LDAP clients being unableto access your directory. Therefore, when you increase the value on this attribute,you should also increase the value on the nsslapd-maxdescriptors attribute.Note that you may not be able to increase the nsslapd-maxdescriptors value ifyour server is already using the maximum number of file descriptors that youroperating system allows a process to use (see your operating systemdocumentation for details). If this is the case, then reduce the load on your serverby causing LDAP clients to search alternative directory replicas.Entry DN: cn=configValid Range: Valid LDAP URL in the following format: ldap://server-locationDefault Value: N/ASyntax: DirectoryStringExample: nsslapd-referralmode: ldap://